
Craaap. I live in Florida and I really think I heard “what the fuck”. What the everlasting fuck? Maybe it’s the humidity?

Not that I’m equating the two, but puts me to mind of all the Project Runway ‘atypical model’ challenges and the shit losing that ensues. The designers complain about having to fit large, small, tall or older bodies and go on some righteous rant about how they only work with supermodels.

Every soccer mom in America is a Manchurian Candidate, waiting to be activated with a trigger-word like “terrorist” or “thug”. Mechanized Nancy Graces, automated in the defense of vague Americana; mussing the hair of cereal-swilling children, straightening the neckties of bread-winning fathers, and furtively nudging

My husband has been trying to buy me a gun for years. He already owns several including three handguns, one shot gun, two hunting rifles, and an AK. I always joke we win for owning the most guns as registered Democrats. Living in Texas owning guns is kind of a right of passage. I have no desire to own a personal hand

Ah, parenting evolution at its finest. From this:

This is really fucked up. So first he attempts suicide by trying to make innocent people kill him with their vehicles, and then somehow he gets his girlfriend involved and SHE gets hit and killed.

I want to watch a buddy cop show about her and Rachel Dolezal. Rach is the tough, take-no-shit, blackface cop. She doesn’t need a gun or badge; she’s got her bow and arrow and her race card. Belle is the freewheeling hippie cop with a tragic secret: she’s dying of fake-ass cancer. Together, they must team up to fight

No, horrible Nazi punk would have been, you know, whatever. This was like...Evanescence but, like, Nazi-themed?

I haven’t watched the lecture yet. . . . but I did read this about it in the Guardian:

WARNING: under no circumstances should any of us engage with trolls wondering why trans* lives are valid but this is not. Until they provide a logical or coherent argument that explains why race and gender can be considered analogous in this way they don’t deserve a well-thoughtout response. I gladly urge anyone to

Anecdotally, I have met (and was married to one) African American men who were very critical of large sized women, and one of the reasons they were dating non-Black women was, as they themselves stated, that they disliked the sometimes larger size of some African American women. Internalized racism at its worst.

White ladies, really? A fucking puppet? As opposed to maybe the Muppets in general for creating her if you just had to go there? Is this like, mass psychosis? Do you guys think she’s real? Seriously holding out hope that this is a massive troll that we will all laugh about in a week. Fucking species-ism? Good lord

Srsly. See this face? This is my serious face. Demonic possession by a sex demon sounds hella fun.

Yes. Too large a share of feminist attention is being devoted to the concerns that fall within the personal experience of college activists, while not enough attention is paid to huge systemic problems that people tend not to experience firsthand until they’re older/unless they’re poorer than these campus activists -

Can a Torontonian with some time and knowledge fill in a few readers on why this is especially heinous, now and in this city, in terms of rape culture? The ongoing trial of Jian Ghomeshi for assaulting women across Toronto? Maybe a list of missing and murdered aboriginal women that’s being ignored by the government?

What I’m getting from this is that a Lilly Pulitzer employee probably has an eating disorder or at least some issues with food and image. For those that are confused, this was up in someone’s cubicle, not the company break room (notice the images are held up with push pins — that ain’t no fridge).

This whole sad drama has been kinda triggering for a lot of people, so I just want to throw this out there, from RAINN:

“Assholes spontaneously combust when faced when someone who isn’t emotional and doesn’t care about their escalation tactics.”

Ha! When I was a teacher I was a MAGNET for asshole parents. It’s also been a problem in any customer service job I’ve ever worked, and has even become a running joke in my current workplace.