When I was in my early twenties, I drove my friend to the hospital after his dad had a heart attack. I stuck around with him waiting for news, and we were sitting outside the hospital on the curb when the strangest thing happened.
When I was in my early twenties, I drove my friend to the hospital after his dad had a heart attack. I stuck around with him waiting for news, and we were sitting outside the hospital on the curb when the strangest thing happened.
My two posts on Facebook today: 1. If you are a woman, and you still plan to vote for Trump, you are an insult to every woman on this planet who has risked life and death to be treated as equal, respected, citizens free of violence, rape, degradation, enslavement, and servitude. You are a disgrace. If you are a…
Snotty elitist fashion people shit on Kim, a noted Not Rail Thin Well Groomed Sorbonne Educated White Woman.
Girl boss is worse than moist for me.
If you’re wondering when the right time to bring up the possibility of sexism being a factor here... It’s never.
I also want to note- I just checked out the interview after reading about it here- They say some really ignorant shit about trigger warnings, too.
It’s also assuming that other people don’t have commitments that prevent them from hanging out at a Target all morning. Like oh, I don’t know... a real job they have to be at before Target even opens, maybe?
Don’t know about cyclical, but definitely think there is something to a culture preferring a weakened woman after periods when they are able to assert some kind of control over themselves.
Don’t people understand anything? Beyonce never really talks about the other woman, she doesn’t rage at her or confront her. She doesn’t degrade the other woman. This album is not for them. It’s not for the side-chick; it’s not for the cheating spouse; it’s for all the women who’ve been cheated and lied to and had to…
I just do not understand this at all-least of all how they managed to do bad black face, let alone black face in the first place. The makeup looks streaky, cakey, cheap and awful. The prosthetic nose looks as such and it really gives off the vibe of a Florida sorority girl making a bad decision for a rush party.
I still don’t know what I think of this, but here’s mine. My mother and I have never really had a great relationship, but we were going through a sort of happy period my last two years of college. She’d kicked out my verbally abusive, alcoholic stepfather and I moved back in to save money. I’d been there about a month…
What I found astonishing was the offended manchildrens’ failure to understand that many of the rabid fans of the original were women. This remake isn’t “for women” any more than the original was “for men”. It’s the same old falsehood rearing it’s head again; that female protagonists are for a strictly female audience,…
I’v fucking had it with these magazines and media oulets referring to black and latina women as “so and so’s baby mama” - it’s racist af! They don’t refer to Nichole Kidman as Tom’s Cruise’s “baby mama” or any white woman who has a child with any white man of any level of fame.
Actually, it is so much more complicated than that that it’s almost impossible for a regular individual to know which is objectively the “best” way.
I don’t mean to be that person.
Frizzraeli. .
the moral of the story is be nice to your kids.
I think some of this has to be about whether visualization of sex is integral to how you enjoy sex. Personally the looks aren’t nearly as important as the physical sensation and emotions of intimacy and power and sexiness - but hey ymmv
If Tony’s letter ran along the lines of ‘Hey, I’m finding going into middle age hard and I kinda worry about feeling irrelevant or ignored or no longer part of a world I previously understood’, I’d feel a lot more sympathy for him because I am told that the aging process is/can be fucking rough and it’s hard to…