
I’m shocked anyone paid $15 for a Beanie Baby in 2015. The only people I could see spending $100,000 on a Princess Di Beanie Baby are Charles and Camilla so they can do some sinister voodoo shit to it.

Oh God, the trolls are going to be out in full force on this article.

"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."

About the only time I see this phenomenon being discussed in popular culture-albeit obliquely— is in horror movies, one of the biggest arbiters of our fears in modern times.

Firstly, teaching little girls that their face shape is wrong for certain hairstyles unless it's oval is totally fucked up. Secondly, teaching anyone that their face shape is wrong for certain hairstyles unless it's oval is completely fucked up. I am so sick of advice on how to wear clothes, hairstyles, or jewelry to

Raven, Raven, Raven...that po' chile galavants through this life as if her rarified childhood has made her transcend the trivial concerns of the rest of us negroes, when in reality she is as sheltered as a homeschooled luddite from Maquoketa, Iowa with the oblivious hubris of European princess/fashion editor. I'mma

It's better to be proud of being Irish than to be proud of being Bill Maher.

I'm trying to think of a Tim Burton movie that wasn't centered around white people with iron deficiencies.

You know why I love Jezebel? Because after people tell their awful, painful, personal, still hard to talk about stories there's 15 strangers consoling and supporting them. If this were any other website the commenters would be humiliating & mocking the people & their stories. Not here. Its times like these I'm proud

What kind of fucking idiot asshole feeds their dog a diet of white castle burgers and pizza? I didn't click any of the links or watch the video so maybe that's a joke. If it's not a joke and the previous owner actually did that they should never have pets (or children) again. I hate to be That Commenter, but that's

What I heard was that he knew Bobbi Kristina from school, they became friends, and when his mom kicked him out Whitney took him in. No paperwork. I heard variously that he was in high school (so, age 15) or age 12 when she took him in.

Whitney left everything to Bobbi K and didn't mention Nick in her will (which was

Because nothing screams dignity like someone taking a picture of you without permission in order to portray your life situation as a dire absurdity in contrast with the product they're trying to advertise.

I am 100% all for consenting adults figuring out whatever sexual dynamics work for them in their individual relationships. As long as everyone knows what's going on and everyone's emotional needs are being taken care of, why should anyone else care? And you know, life is long and relationships are hard work - how can

Sorry, I don't normally bitch about Hollywood casting, but Lynsey Addario is one of my heroes - and that is teeeeerrrriible casting. Anyway, she's a fucking amazing photojournalist, so I guess I should just be happy there's a movie being made about her, even if it's with 24 year old, blonde, blue eyed Jennifer

If your guy hasn't taken it upon himself to learn how to do some domestic shit by the time he's old enough to contemplate marriage, teaching him how to make a three-course meal isn't going to do a thing to ensure he does the grueling, grinding tasks like cleaning the bathroom and making sure there's food that didn't

Great point, except that this is actually a very old story.

"I grew up in a left wing town and there are plenty of people with great politics who are assholes."

Ugh, gross and chilling. You're a champ for slogging through these books. Obviously Cosby is responsible for his actions, but his cultural outlook is really telling here. Is it any surprise that a man convinced that the ideal male sexuality is hunting and conquest and the ideal female sexuality is, well, having no

And THIS is what I find so infuriating about 'pro-lifers' in the United States.

This seriously reads like a serial killer who learned English from an imperfectly translated edition of My Sweet Audrina.