
Here's a fun story. When I was six, I was at school, standing at the bin, sharpening a pencil. A boy came up to me with a pair of scissors and said "I'm going to cut your hair". I stabbed him with the pencil, with all the force my six-year-old body could muster.

This kind of thing is why I don't understand the common third or fourth wave feminist position that we shouldn't criticize the prevalence of plastic surgery because it's "shaming"

Laughing at all the people saying it's 'OCD' to shower once a day or more. Clearly they aren't familiar with what the disorder entails. I have obsessive compulsive patients who shower every hour on the hour while cleaning their rectums with a toothbrush. THAT'S what OCD is. How often someone showers is a matter of

There is a major rash of cringe-inducing (if you know anything about animal behavior) "cute" pictures being spread around the interwebs featuring dogs and children (often babies). In the photos the dogs are often displaying signs of fear, stress or aggravation. Even when they're not it's not wise to encourage pushing

I am hiding under a blanket in bed. I just had the worst day. My MIL made my mom cry so with the help of PMS I called her a crass hag:( and it only got worse from there with my SIL texting me "That's it for me. I don't think it is ok to tell your mother in law she is unpleasant, unintelligent and a HAG. I may be from

What happened last year? I got fired. What am I doing with the rest of my life? Getting married since my boyfriend proposed a few hours ago :D

I always find this discussion of mandatory condom use in porn interesting because even the "sex positive" commenters seem to make an a priori assumption that the existing working conditions for performers are reasonable and therefore not the problem. By not questioning the working conditions created at a time when

So here's a fun thing that I need to get out and can't talk about on facebook. I've struggled with depression since I was about 7, and severe anxiety since I was probably 21. I've been on meds that have largely managed things for maybe 9 years or so, but I've started to worry that they're contributing to some sexual

I've been going to the Planned Parenthood by my house for over two years for my lady health because the nurse in charge is AMAZING at her job, the staff is friendly, the office is clean and I feel better there than I do at my normal doctor's office, thanks to my change in insurance.

I've been harassed multiple times by

I discovered 'a means of alternative sexual gratification' long before I discovered the internet.

The all too horrible thing for the victims of rape and sexual abuse is that often causes their lives to spiral out of control, to become addicted to drugs and alcohol, to have severe bouts of depression and PTSD, and to re-live the abuse through dysfunctional and unhealthy relationships. So by the time ones finally

BUYING A KNOCK OFF HANDBAG IS NOT A VICTIMLESS CRIME!!! And no, I'm not writing that in screamy all-caps because I give a crap about the LVMHs of the world—although I do believe designers and artists should have control over their intellectual property. Way more important: knock-off goods are sold by terrorist groups

As someone who works in the anti-counterfeiting industry, I just wanted to say that your description of how the crime of selling counterfeit goods is simple trademark infringement is incredibly simplistic and just wrong. Finished counterfeit goods are just the tip of the crime iceberg.

Why are the commenters on this site perpetually attacking people in articles about their weight? This man allegedly performed heinous acts of abuse on a child. That in itself is reason enough for your scorn. There's no need for his weight or appearance to ever be made an issue. But, hey, it's an easy punch, right? See

I disagree. Sometimes just knowing it is there is enough.

I actually said "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Loudly in a quiet cafe after reading a comment about how Tamir Rice shouldn't have been playing with a toy gun if he didn't want to get shot.

It's funny to me how many conservatives I know are so pissy pants about TEH GUBMENT and MAH TAX MONIES and MAH FREEDUMB, but then turn around and go, "Oh, you should listen to the police without question, they're there to protect you."

Mark Wahlberg wants a pardon for his 1988 assault hate crime conviction.

I have thought long and hard about this piece. The author's story is powerful. I agree fully with everything the author says about the terrible damage we do to children by enforcing the gender binary, I agree with everything they say about how the kind of conventional masculinity that our society demands of men is

The older I get, the more I believe that capitalism and patriarchy as so intertwined that we can't get rid of one without getting rid of the other.