
Reminder: most states have safe haven laws. If, for whatever reason, you are panicked about needing to care for a baby or feel the need to hide that you had a baby, please drop the child off at a hospital, police station, or fire station. It will be cared for.

But for the gay student who has to come to school and sit by them, you don't t. nk that creates a hostile environment? The standard for hostile learning environment is different for the one for hate speech. They have a right to their beliefs, but we wouldn't let kids wear t-shirts that said something similar about a

Disagree. This isn't about celebrating their Christian faith, this is specifically about being hostile towards their LGBT peers. Here's a good definition of hostile learning environment from the University of Michigan:

Well obviously they had to call in a specialist.

You left out the best part of the article: the surgeon being named "Dr. Dong".

get off your pie horse

Nicolas Cage is not pretentious. Nicolas Cage is not of this cursed planet and he will not be weakened by your tedious Earth standards, Mark.

If for no other reason, GMO foods should be labeled so that I can exercise my right to not support the likes of Monsanto.

I'd love to have been there for that Chef's interview:

it's so cute how innocent you are. That sounds pretty fucking awesome to me.

Before cars, pizza was delivered by a "pie horse". The power and popularity that came with this great novelty and the prestigious position of pie-horseman tended to go to the pie-horseman's head. They had a reputation for their haughty attitudes and power-mongering. It became popular slang to tell snobby people to

Mmmmm.... pie horse....

weighing in thing, you, thanks.

Trying to figure out if a pie horse is a pie made of horse, or a horse made of pie. I prefer the latter, because I then envision a giant, berry-filled horse pie that is so delicious it distracts Trojan soldiers while the Greek soldiers enter the city and win the war.

See, this is what happens when you don't read Hogwarts: A History.

"I honestly have problems reading classics because of the setting and time frame, reading involves imagination, and I'd much rather imagine things in the present rather than force myself to live in a time where I don't know what existed."

This just blew my mind.

A Modest Proposal: Thought it was cookbook, disappointed. 1 Star.

Wait, Oscar Wilde is a satyr? Sweet! I have some serious re-reading to do!