One of the best!
One of the best!
My face looked something like this when I read the headline:
For years my family always got our Chinese takeout from this little family-owned restaurant. My dad always picked it up, so they knew him quite well. He had introduced a friend of his to the place, who then became a regular there too, and once my dad went in to pick up our food while the woman was taking an order from…
Yup. My whole family is mourning for Merle. It’s awful for my mom: even though Willie’s still around and she loves him, she really considers Merle’s death to signal the end of the old guard of the great country singers from that era. She’s been dreading it ever since George Jones died. Merle is her eternal, and…
This comment made me cry. <3
Every time I read something about Trump I feel like I’m living in an absurdist comedy film.
I don’t feel the slightest bit bad about judging someone with an OKC profile like that. At the very least judging them as being totally incompatible with me.
From a 43 year old (I’m 25 and this was about a decade out of my specified range) married man seeking only casual sex (with nothing about being in an open marriage or anything):
True. I definitely am guilty of doing that as, like you said, an over-reaction to creationists.
I read Many Waters! It was pretty cool. I really love how L’Engle’s work included both Christian themes and science in complete harmony. It’s kind of funny — a lot of atheists reject her work because of the religious influence, and a lot of evangelical Christians reject her work because she was a liberal Christian and…
It’s unlikely it’ll be ruined in the same way The Golden Compass was, consider L’Engle was a Christian whose religion influenced her work, although not in an intrusive or super overt way. I never saw the Golden Compass movie but I gather that a large part of what ruined it was the removal of the atheist themes that…
Oh my god I almost spit cookie all over my laptop screen.
Oh, I do. I’m 25 and he’s my first boyfriend, so I know well the feeling of being without.
I mean, it makes sense! It just looks ridiculous.
SO BAD. Once he didn’t take his socks off before sexytimes and I didn’t notice he was still wearing them until after and I was horrified.
My boyfriend always puts his socks on before he puts his pants on and every time he’s at the stage of getting dressed where he’s just in underwear and socks I make some joke about how unsexy a look underwear+socks is on a guy.
The buffet my boyfriend and I tried to go to today for lunch was mysteriously closed (they’re usually open 7 days a week) and when I saw this headline I half expected it to be that one.
Ohhh man that looks good.