
The charity 5k takes offense to that comment :P

So basically I can make my own laws. NEAT!

this is dead on. if someone says they "fuckin' love" (or some derivative) to do something than you absolutely should ask them if they want to do that together on a specific day.

I just went back and looked and my response rate is 50% ... I'm not bragging about it and I don't believe he is either. If he's like me than he's interesting, confident and selective about who he talks to. I'm talking to people who are adventurous like I am and that puts me in a small field of people who are likely to

Completely agree.

You really hit the nail on the head with that last paragraph. The first one's good too because those are all mistakes people make (too vague, too verbose/nuts, too douchey).

Two things which I'm picking up: You sound like a nice guy and you're trying ... which can be a recipe for disaster.

Seems plausible ... Michelangelo did something similar with "The Last Judgment" in the Sistine Chapel.

Do we really need to bring religion into this sanctimonious prick's story?

At least you know his knees are good.

Anybody else want to drive a car through all that glass? Or is it just me?

all good tips but unfortunately i think that most people's reaction time and cognitive processing speed aren't going to be up to the task of handling them.

I see and agree with your point then.

it's called profiling. cops do this all the time and i'm for it as a lot of people who do exactly the speed limit at 2am are in fact driving under the influence.

you can drive faster than the speed limit and not be bump drafting or cutting people off you know; i may go 15 miles over the speed limit but i always signal, never cut people off, never tailgate and i never enter a lane where i might be pulling alongside someone immediately. those four things probably encompass 99%

what about 75 in a 60?

You sound like a clone of me, +5 years though :P

Did you really just try to compare rapist and speeders? Seriously?

Oi vey.

Thank you Theo.