
I’d let David Puddy explain anything to me.


Setting: Rural farmhouse in the middle of nowhere

I’ll be there!

Literally, 2 minutes in the film I started crying. My boyfriend turns to me and was like are you ok? I was like I have been waiting for this and I am so happy. It was everything I wanted to see in a film. The film touched upon so many things that I have dealt with as a black woman in this country. Although, I did not

Haven’t seen it yet but the commercials seem to perpetuate the stereotype that three or more women in the same room will break out into dance.

Are you talking strictly Disney Princesses? Cuz there are only eleven.

Hmm I watched that last weekend and thought it was very mediocre. Guess I’m in the minority on that one.

Right? Ed Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer, The Monfils gang, Eli Manning (for the murder of Packers fans Super Bowl dreams) all hold their own and are compelling stories. It’s weird to think that I am two degrees of separation away from Dahmer (one of my law school professors was on the prosecution team for Milwaukee County),

I passed on the OA, mostly because it didn’t grab me and I had heard some very conflicted impressions of it. I’m sure I would have been just as annoyed by this if I had watched. And it’s a thing with mythologies in general at the exclusion of so many major spiritual traditions that have been prevalent in American

No man turns on a woman like a woman. Not even close. Trump couldn’t dream of doing to women what you do to each other.

Listen, “if you don’t want to get punched in the balls, don’t touch women when they don’t want you to” is a good rule of thumb for life. As someone who has both acted like an asshole and been punched in the balls for it, I’ll give this a pass. It sure as hell taught me a lesson.

My exact thought. It was a good piece, but that kept ringing in my ear. Why/how in the world are female friendships more confusing than a male “friend” who continues to sexually assault you or the mutual friend who tells you what you did wasn’t right?

I actually am a psychologist, but this isn’t my field of study so my opinions are worth about as much as any other dilettante on the subject. Unless Chris Pratt develops combat-related PTSD in his giant space amusement park I can’t provide much in the way of professional analysis.

Let’s be honest here, eventually all of us would go mad and wake someone - anyone - up for the company.

I know it’s just marketing, but when did commercial hack like Gore Verbinski become “a visionary director”? 😂

So went from story of man’s isolation to a horror story pretending to be rom com about a woman who is trapped on a ship by a stalker who doomed her die with him.

I think we all know which commenter is in the pocket of Big Breakfast

the popular brunch food usually scarfed down by 20-somethings wasted on overpriced mimosas

I couldnt read anything in the post because I could not get by: