Detroit Velvet Smooth

The full excerpt over at EW reveals that the Alliance broadcast a message across space from Admiral Ackbar declaring the Emperor dead and the Empire defeated. We also know thanks to an upcoming mobile game that not everyone knew—Imperial officers denied it through propaganda and cracked down, acting as if everything

they couldnt turn the phone sideways?!

Now playing

Makes more sense then the idea that the Empire just surrendered to the Rebels after the second Death Star blew up.

Oh, fuck. Here we go.

other things that remain magical mysteries to americans:

At least the UK has planes to send, in Canada we literally had to send our best 8 (read only) comabt ready F18s to kuait for this isis stuff. So many planes are so far beyond their life that many are limited to 6gs in training or used for parts to keep the others in the air. I dont see why we dont just buy the super

Is it weird that I read that in Kimi’s voice?

You sir are an American hero, truly an inspiration... NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LET ME DO MY JOB

Les Grossman very well might be his best character ever.

He may be a nut job in a nuttier cult, but the man does have balls, I will give him that!

I’m pretty sure this is Brookfield Place in Toronto?

As a Toronto resident I always find that background really distracting.

That must have looked like the strangest police parade ever

Just imagine trying to evacuate this shit show.

When you’re that old and that many children have passed through you, expansion is inevitable. They should change the name to the Duggar Canal.

It’s not a toomah!

As an experienced dad of four, I can attest that whatever your are doing that has your charges giddily yelling “FASTER!” and/or “AGAIN!” over and over is probably exactly the right thing to do :)