Detroit Velvet Smooth

It's a TV show remember that. Still looked better then 99% shows on TV that have CGI in it.

Lol. Wow could say the same thing about GM. How many recalls now? My Audi has been reliable for 9 years thing is fine is you understand how to maintain the thing...

Can't be worse then the Slushbox on the cobalt can it? Haven't driven one(fiesta) myself but will go with her for test drives. She won't go stick since she can't drive stick. But if the auto is half way decent to her i am sure she will be fine with it.

As good as the new game will look. Still amazed by the quality they got out of those old wing bag systems. Quite impressive really.

Meh. I much rather have R*'s approach oppose to Ubisoft and Watch_dogs. Where they released every version at once. But didn't optimize or polish any of them. R* had the last gen games ready to go . They released them. Then put the correct amount of time (we can hope!) into the current gen/PC ones. I will buy the game

My Sister just got her cobalt recalled. Tack on the other issues she has had with the car. I am steering her far away from GM. Looking at the Ford Fiesta since it fits her needs very well.

That is Darryl's Son

Audi still did set the fastest lap time and fastest average speed of the race. So its not like they were Slo poking around...

Audi still did set the fastest lap time and fastest average speed of the race. Its not like they were completely "lucky" They deserved the win especially with the Turbo swaps.

I didn't see the No.1 Car that have problem i passed out for a bit. I know they had an injector issue before. But yeah well done changing a hot turbo in half an hour was quite impressive.

It would have been nice to see the No.1 Car and Mr. LeMans (Tom Kristensen) Win his 10th title. But i am sure he is happy regardless. Wonder if this is his last LeMans?

What as also amazing is that the No.2 Audi had its Turbocharger changed. Those diesels really are pretty reliable though. Didn't miss a beat.

In the end the best car(s) are the reliable ones. Audi Sport knows this and they may have not had the pace to to start but they sit back and just push. Its amazing for Audi and 13th victory now.


Such a stupid design! This should retract.

Yeah I do my own oil changes on my A3 everytime. The stealership is horrible they also let the kids change the oil and they give 0 fucks from what i have seen... oddly enough going to be doing a oil change this weekend.

This is why i love Le Mans they will rebuild the car in pits. Then run it for 24hrs. That is nuts!


Sony's best videos besides a few games here and there are either remakes and most are not exclusive. So they paid more to developers to get their content shown at their presser. Not to impressed. But i don't own a PS4.