Detroit Velvet Smooth

I had quite the teenager crush on her back in the day

TL;DR but came here to say i agree i think the actual game is far more broken then the first. But man i love the plot and storyline of KOTOR2. Don't think i have replayed a game more then that. IT says allot cause i hate turn based RPG's compared to other RPG systems.

DICE where is my next gen WWII game? I want battlefield 1944/45 please!

Is that a bad thing? Personally the GTA franchise has been some of my favourtie games of all time. I don't think this game will have the same GTA feel that makes then so great. But i am sure it will be fun regardless

Looks appealing to me. But i like sandbox games. Expect it to be a fun game but not a GTA killer. Still going to play it and have fun with it.

I have faith in Johnny Mnemonic

When done right (clear lens Amber bulb) it can look nice. I did the euro conversion on my A3 years back. Don't get why we even bother switching them to red so stupid.

Thank you sir! 0:42 for anyone looking lol

Technically GTA V is/was complete. Which is the game you bought. GTA: Online is technically a whole other game which is free with the purchase of V.

This looks stupid. But otherwise

I wanted to post the Top Gear clip where Clarkson references black gunships and Bruce Willis coming. But couldn't find it :(

Yup I expect Audi will come out guns a blazing along with Porsche and Toyota

Now playing

whereas Audi uses their racing success for ads all the time!

Sir pounce to the rescue!


This weapon and some smart winter tactics embarrassed the red army when they first tried to invade Finland in 39'. Hell of a machine!

Because Russia.

Selling your body is quite profitable these days eh?