reminds me of this
reminds me of this
orrrr you could blame Sony for not bidding enough money and weakening its lineup by not having Titanfall.
and Canadians!
I wouldn't mind going the other way around and taking pot shots at Churchill and Stalin for shits and gigs.
Yeah i agree the core needs to be there from the start, Nothing is more frustrating then a good game that is let down by bugs and unfinished/left out elements. I think South Park is the cause of former though it seems to be a good game that was delayed to make it great.
Not all the time. GTA V was delayed for the better. Watchdogs is being delayed for the same reasons i assume. I would much rather wait longer for a more polished product then companies worrying about hitting marketing deadlines and sending out an unfinished game. Like pretty much all of EA's offerings these days…
My Buddy had one of these. It was a f"ing death trap. Admittedly he didn't maintain the thing at all, and it had some seriously major issues like the rear suspension. Central locking not working. Massive wheel wobble above 100 KPH. Etc... I have never driven a bigger piece of shit then this car.
Shame that Sportsnet will be taking all the hockey away from TSN next year eh?
you realize that pretty much all those teams you showed are laden with Canadian talent and wouldn't have won without them right?
Deal with it!
Hmm would I rather have Apple Maps or Google Maps. In my car... This isn't really a tough choice.
I concer. No AMG motors means this list is invalid.
Yeah its more of an American attempt at a European engine. Which isn't a bad thing thats for sure. DOHC is the best format for a modern engine anyways. Its why everyone in the mainstream but GM uses it.
Thank you! To make power without displacement comes with a cost. follow the maintenance schedule! Anyone can make LS engines with big displacements thats not hard. Its why everyone loves the LS engines. But these are like swiss watches allot more is going on in these things.
The first fix was a hardened camshaft lobe. (Rev B). But the FSI still ran on a flat tappet cam follower which isn't ideal. Later versions of the engine (TSI) had replaced it will a roller design which solves both issues. Replacing the $40 Cam follower on the FSI every 30 to 50K will save you from nuking the camshaft…
That is just not true. They are not horrible to work on. Minus the tight confines of the engine bay on these cars themselves. (GTI/A3)
As someone who has a First Gen FSI engine. I had the camshaft failure. Allot of people don't understand what is going on here. Allot of BS on the internet on this issue as well. The original camshaft lobe (rev A) had some inconsistencies and some were going out with softer material then the camshaft follower it was…