Detroit Velvet Smooth

Same here... minus the PS3 part can't wait!

that is awesome! nice find

Luckily that Elon is then eh? I am sure he has it sorted out.

What are you talking about?

Get an induction 3rd party kit for the 360 problem solved. Can't do that on the ps3... I am sure the One will have a similar kit. They work great! Drop the controller on the pad and forget about it.


To be honest, one of the best investments i made was the $30 3rd party induction charge pad for the Xbox. I just drop the controllers on the pad when I am done gaming. Haven't worried about batteries/recharging for years now. I really hope they have an induction pad for the One as well.

Its called Drive on Youtube is it not?

Call me crazy but as much as i love the F40 and i would totally own one if a i had close to 60 mill. But if i had to choose between one or the other i would go with the F50. I have a soft spot for this car.

They don't refuel anymore. They have enough for the whole race.

But VW/Audi does do plastics right! Unlike pretty much all the American cars on the Market these days. So at least its not like you are sitting in a Camaro or anything like that with horrid plastics everywhere. But i do agree they need to set up there RS cars in that regard for sure.


I always find it funny that all the best MBTs use the Rheinmetall 120 mm gun. For me you got to go with the original. The Leo 2 is king!

Oh of course this is in Toronto. Stupid truck drivers are everywhere around here.

Car racing, Bikinis, and BeaverTails of course right? Those are damn good!

Now playing

TTRS engine anyone? I <3 the inline 5. Just wish it was in a better car...

One comment about the 3800II that engine. It was so grossly underpowered for its size and was a pig on gas. (family owned two GM 3800 Series II cars.. One blew up because of a coolant leak) Only thing it had going for it was torque. But its sad that my 2 liter 4 banger puts out nearly 270 HP and 300+ Fpt and these

Turbo V8 > N/A V8 ;)

All cars do this now either with LEDs or the actual headlamp. I am sure it can be disabled through OBOII

I play it on the 360 and its fine the only complaint i got is the number of players compared to the PC version. But i am more of a console gamer anyways.