Detroit Velvet Smooth

"Or unlike idiots, I don't protect my car's front with a bra." Well call me an idiot for not having stone chips all over the front of my bumper cause of the clear bra i have on my A3....

really? i hate the way the PS3 controller feels i feel exactly opposite to you and think the xbox is the much more ergonomic controller. I didn't mind the PS controller years ago but is seriously dated at this point IMO.

I own a BP A3 2.0T and to be honest i wasn't even looking at the A3 when i bought it. I was actually looking for used GTI but the market was pretty dried up for them. Saw the A3 on the lot got a similar deal as i would have for a used GTI. But yeah i do agree its badge engineering for sure. Its a great car though.

this makes me feel even better that i got the much better HTC one X for 50 bucks (thanks to my upgrade) ;)

was thinking the same thing. Miss those ineffective but sick 10+ inch guns for sure.

this ^

Also thought the exact same thing! great books!

got to love this site if MS/Google did this people would be screaming for blood. But its ok that 1000s of devices will not correctly anymore... come on.

to be honest i have made the switch from a 3gs to a nexus s and now to a HTC one X The phone size isn't a problem and to be honest i can't even use anything smaller anymore. Its better in also every way for me. much easier to type in portrait mode for sure.

Really? wow drinking the jobs-aid eh?

oh fuck yeah we do!

only an arrogant apple fan boy designer would make this... as a designer myself who uses both platforms everyday (yetp refers PCs) i think he is full of it...

the PDK is basically a DSG transmission and they are not that pricey to work on at least not the ones VW/Audi uses comparing to a slushbox.

pretty sure she can just shut the car off...

to be honest this is getting out of hand i think palm should sue apple because the iphone kinda looks like pilot from the 90's it also copies them with a touch screen. Its like GM sueing ford for using an engine transmission and 4 wheels on there car. They weren't the first to make smart phones they just were the

geez can't wait for Top Gear to change the c*cks car of choice to lexus...

This doesn't work in DI engines though.. i know

really? I don't want either. I will take an R8 V10 with those turbos instead ;)

To be honest North America should just legalize it like in most of Europe and tax the hookers. it can solve two problems then!

yeah i agree I own a 6 year old A3 and i have put less then a grand into repairs so far with 95k on it. These cars are reliable.