yup always power out of it!
yup always power out of it!
NSFW illegal leopard!
Man you know me so well! ;)
thats like saying "noo noo i don't want Jessica Alba, i'll take her instead..."
saw a few sea harriers too. still it was a great movie.
nice palm pilot...err... iphone there...
oh yeah right because my 3gs (with an otterbox) didn't last me more then a year before i had antenna, battery, and speaker issues. not mention the 3rd week i had the phone i had to get it sent back to fix my touch screen since that just stopped working. when i finally cracked the screen the phone had lasted me less…
This whole fragmentation thing isn't an issue anymore, to say android is really fragmented is not really true (at least not since 2011) sure are there phones running older versions? yeah But heck there are also iPhone 2's out there still going which are fragmented. The phones that matter on Android are pretty much on…
question is will we need more power at that point?
thats what most SUV drivers think around here in winter!
as a driving machine most BMW's are better then most Audi's. but two reasons i wouldn't. 1) 95% of BMW drivers are cocks and you will be unfairly lumped into that category. 2) they really have lost it in the looks department, most new BMW's look like flattened fish, hard to live with.
yeah i don't get all the negative comments, Like clarkson has said in the past, it has made lambos liveable for everyday usage. Do random lambos catch on fire? sure but thats because they are still Italian! You don't see that many V10 R8's burning down yet they share the same engine design.
We actually say "eh" allot according to my american friends eh..
The Newer Audis like the A4/A5 have the engine much farther back and lower the ground. they made up for the lack of space inside by making the car much longer.
i agree there is just something wrong with the new car, thats bothering me.
the whole tablet/iPad concept is the future of home computing. We already knew that years ago, this device is simply a small upgrade and it isn't worth a press conference. So he is correct.
The F - 18 Super Hornet is better looking then both of those fighters IMO