
Here is as good a place as any to discuss the rise of Donald Trump to the highest office in the land.

I can’t wait to not play No Limits

What has Mercy ever done for this country? She’s not even American. Runs around, healing, which I’m told is “support”, I don’t buy it. Can’t even shoot rockets. Sad!

Oh man, you better hope when you get taken down it’s by someone on a no kill run.

Another thing to consider: the game isn’t out everywhere yet. My guess is that issues will continue for another few weeks still, because there are still a lot of people who haven’t had a chance to play yet.

I've sworn off it until it's fixed.

*Points at Pokemon Origins* Do that. Do it exactly like that. Do nothing else. Do not do Ash, do not do Team Rocket. Just do that. It’s perfectly laid out for you.

Is there any story component to this, or is purely just to dick around?

“Kill me.”

How often do you update your graphics card?

It's funny you mention that. I was thinking about this same thing the other day. I honestly have not met a couple like this. I only read about it on Reddit or some random article and see it portrayed in movies or TV shows. I've never met a couple that acts like this.

Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.

So Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is $30 on PS4, Odin Sphere is $60. I know OS:L has some more bells and whistles this time around, but doesn’t that seem a little steep?

Honestly the “Pokemon say their names” is one thing about the anime I’ve never liked and I loved when Pokemon Origins did without it. Because either you have an entire world that calls the things your skeleton is made out of “bones” because it’s what Cubone holds and the sound you make when you’re asleep “snoring”

Here’s what’s really going to kill you, a’la that episode of The Big Bang Theory where Amy “ruins” Raiders of the Lost Ark ...

Disney is putting an end to their Disney Infinity toy-game line and discontinuing their “self-published console