
As someone who beat Dark Souls - offline - three times, twice legitimately and once with mods... I preferred the one with the mods that made the game “easier”.

Ocarina of Time is a game like Final Fantasy 7 where I wonder if the people who celebrate it and want a remake of it have played it recently.

That Amaterasu amiibo looks amazing!

I love my trophy screenshots of blank loading screens.

I’m looking at this thread on /r/KotakuInAction (a GG-friendly subreddit):

The camera is a nightmare... When I was knocking over blocks in the giant room the camera kept flipping out and changing as it tried to process where it should be relative to the objects falling. The combat also feels unfinished as hell. Still, I'll probably get it.

Sounds like it feels kinda like the broke-ass combat in Kingdom Hearts. :(

Here’s the game’s tree of unlockable skills. Many of them are repeats of the unlockable skills in FC3 and FC4. You start from zero in this game and spend a good chunk of time reacquiring moves that you had in the last couple of major franchise releases.

Yeah, I’m of the belief that Square has the right to approach those scenes however the developers see fit, and I hope they remake the entire Wall Street Market section (Honey Bee Inn included) in an interesting, provocative way.

This is actually different from the DOAX3 thing in a key way. In this case, a creator confidently and thoughtfully explained what they were doing in a way that at the very least was persuasive to the audience in front of him. I’ve long maintained that many of these controversies and debates are not helped when

DeadStar looks interesting, Nuclear Throne as well, and I’ll prolly pick up Guns Up because I have a buddy working on it.

Cultural ignorance(I keep saying this...why?)thrives. Native Americans are one of the most under-represented, quiet cultures in the US/Canada despite our number of varied tribes. The larger race(whites)are normally free to express this ignorance through stereotypes in media and not get flack for it.

So much ambivalence about under-represented peoples taking the spotlight. Obviously it’s great to see Marvel give a native comic hero a shot - but it’s also incredibly disappointing if that hero is just a shallow caricature of nature-loving tropes. One extremely harmful theme in media is the ever-present generic