
Nothing turns me off a game faster than a million icons on the map TBQH. To me it screams developers just stuffing a game full of crap do to so that they can crow about how much content their is rather than actually figuring what what the game does really well and focusing on that.

Im just a wee bit burned on Destiny right now. Thanks to medical issues I was unable to through the last expansion and only recently bought......only for them to get rid of the stuff I paid for. First world problems but annoying none the less

From everything I’ve seen and read about this movie so far, I don’t know why anyone would be even slightly surprised that the people making this are being careless with the lore of the series.

This looks embarrassingly cheap and lazy. “Oh, Monster Hunter is set in vivid and imaginative environments? Well, that costs money, so film the whole movie in a desert or soundstage with some rain. THAT’S what the people want to see!” Hey Paul, Mad Max was successful and worked because George Miller has talent and a


It’s not odd, it’s bullshit. The last, what, 4, 5 THPS games have been complete garbage. The onus is entirely on Activision to prove to us that this one is worth our cash, instead they’re only giving out the one thing that can prove it to us away if we pre-order or buy some shitty burrito from a chain that poisoned

Sometimes, every so often, gamers are alright

I haven’t played it in months but this was my favorite battle royale by far. It handled well, had no building, had helicopters that controlled great, and it had fun and challenging things to do to unlock characters. That last bit really helped keep things interesting.

I’d definitely like to see more “Souls Light” games. I love the structure and gameplay loop of those games, and even though Bloodborne is hands-down my favorite game of all time, sometimes the relentless difficulty is a drag, particularly with the imitators. And not only that, it seems a lot of those imitators out

I dunno, I watched the whole demo and while it does look very unique and interesting in the way that Kojima games always are, it also bored me to tears. I wouldn’t say it actually looks like very much fun to play. But hey what do I know, could be amazing. 

This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man

Why would you put a discontinued item marked up to over 3x its price in an article? 

Why would you put a discontinued item marked up to over 3x its price in an article? 

Looks like they are adding convolution into their game for the sake of making it more grindy. I’m sure they’ll simplify things in a year or so from now, and people will be happy.

We as a society can’t just forever mark someone because of an accusation especially when it goes nowhere.

It’s relevant game news.  Not sure why reporting it is “drama.”

Despite being a huge fan of one and two, I quit The Pre-Sequel after a few hours. The missions just felt like busywork: “Go get my shotgun from the guy who stole it, bandits killed him and stole it again, rakks killed them and carried it off to their nest, skags ate it and now it’s in four different pieces...which

I uninstalled D2 a while back. I just  couldn’t sustain the rat race. Hearing this, I still have no regrets for MY choice.

I have to agree with many of the other posters here. This is $50 more than an Xbox One or PS4. They just came off the failure that is the Wii U and they come out with this? What a joke.