
I’ve told myself I’d do the game. About once a day.

Congrats on the only 10% fail rate on those pokeball freezes. Feels like 30% for me. And gym battles? 100% broken.

This actually turned me from mostly skeptical to pretty pumped. Bypass so many of the big questions about what to adapt, how to depict the Pokemon, and just give us some Japanese weirdness! I’m happy to imagine a feature-length “Brooklyn 99" episode with a grizzled Detective Pikachu on the force. Deep Japanese voice

Not to mention the gyms are still broken. Don’t bother for at least a month.

So what does it mean to be on public test servers? Like when can we expect this to hit retail/consoles?

Love that two-player Sentinel. It could operate like co-op Warthog driving. P1 steers; P2 shoots.

How far down does this Chemistry conspiracy go? Follow the Chemtrails to find the truth. Wake up, sheeple!

Agreed. I was recommended the latter while picking up the former at GameStop. I know Valkyria is more of a port and less of a remaster, but I’ll have to wait for a price drop.

Wait, is picking up cats a big part of the game? That was the one way I tricked inspired my wife into playing Twilight Princess HD. “This is the best game ever,” she shouted, running around the Hidden Village, desperately looking for a way to place them all into the same cart.

I support this unequivocally.

*Sees headline* Is it the last mission? Because I hope it’s the last one.

Yeah, I’ve mostly seen the latter: supposedly, Blizzard heard the outcry from (straw) feminists and responded with a middle-finger. Clearly, it was a non-issue from day one.

More! (Is this a podcast? Please make this a podcast!)

Feeling that exactly. If you told me the demo was for Kingdom Hearts 3, that’d be much more believable.

Feeling the same way myself. I have it pre-ordered, but I’m tempted to just rent it. Might be something to knock out in a week.

Yup. some nerds just pick the most pitiful molehills to die on.

Meh. I’m game, but a 1-floor slide? Boring.

Man, this spells out my concerns really well. As a guy who picked up Far Cry 4 Complete Edition on Black Friday and has yet to even start it (but is really tempted by this one instead), what am I to do? Playing both is too much. (This really is like the Assassin’s Creed cycle/dilemma.)

I was thinking more along the lines of reactivating Bishop in Alien 3.

Yeah, at this point, I’d say run Warpriest and peace out.