
Thanks for highlighting that race. Felt the same way. Wanted to sit and watch, but the bullets started firing before I could figure out what happened. So many missions & locations seem well designed, but lack any real narrative weight or context—outside of kill, kill, kill.

Hat... Upgrades? GOTY.

Never change, Tumblr.

I’m in the same boat. For all the DLC, you’ll pay more or less the same as the full GotY edition. :/ Wish there was just an “upgrade” option for $20 or something. Same situation with a lot of games and their DLC—looking at you, Skyrim Legendary.

I’m in the same boat. For all the DLC, you’ll pay more or less the same as the full GotY edition. :/ Wish there was

Man, I was just thinking what a terrible decision it was to ever hone in on Darth Vader and make him the focal point of the prequels. I think Anakin should have made no appearance whatsoever in the prequels.

If this does give Squirrel Girl a shot for the MCU, I’ll take it!

On an only vaguely related note. I sure did love watching that ‘93 City Hunter film w/ friends in high school.

Shout out to Louisiana Tech, actually! Not far from my home town.

Yeah, no. This game is a hard M. End of story.

Sir, which iconic, zeitgeist-y pop soundtrack songs should we use for this reel?

Oh, God yes. Tomine’s work is SO UNCOMFORTABLE. Beautiful, but generally makes you feel like you need a shower and a blanket to hide under.

Oh God, this level of UI is why I feel like I can never handle MMOs.

I know it’s sold out, but fun story—you could get eBay credit at GameStop with that GameStop gift card. Keep that train a-rolling.

I know it’s sold out, but fun story—you could get eBay credit at GameStop with that GameStop gift card. Keep that

I still remember a friend seeing that message with me for the first time in AC1.

This mirrors my experiences exactly. That is all.

Yeah, it was $20 for 3. Kind of a bum deal.

Yeah, not only that, but I foolishly switched factions during their “welcome back” quest and have now split all my dead orbit progress—level 7 on one character, level 3 on another.

Agreed, but the “love interest” was real. What they left out, interestingly enough, was how he cheated on Annie immediately after the walk!