
If this does give Squirrel Girl a shot for the MCU, I’ll take it!

On an only vaguely related note. I sure did love watching that ‘93 City Hunter film w/ friends in high school.

Shout out to Louisiana Tech, actually! Not far from my home town.

Yeah, no. This game is a hard M. End of story.

Oh, God yes. Tomine’s work is SO UNCOMFORTABLE. Beautiful, but generally makes you feel like you need a shower and a blanket to hide under.

Oh God, this level of UI is why I feel like I can never handle MMOs.

I know it’s sold out, but fun story—you could get eBay credit at GameStop with that GameStop gift card. Keep that train a-rolling.

I know it’s sold out, but fun story—you could get eBay credit at GameStop with that GameStop gift card. Keep that

I still remember a friend seeing that message with me for the first time in AC1.

This mirrors my experiences exactly. That is all.

Yeah, it was $20 for 3. Kind of a bum deal.

Yeah, not only that, but I foolishly switched factions during their “welcome back” quest and have now split all my dead orbit progress—level 7 on one character, level 3 on another.

Agreed, but the “love interest” was real. What they left out, interestingly enough, was how he cheated on Annie immediately after the walk!

Yeah, I actually really liked that DS game. Played the heck out of it during a family road trip back in the day.

Thanks! We tried pit team/aggro team split, which really only seems to work if you’re timed perfectly. You can get a chain going where he stays distracted and you have fewer adds to worry about, but a single death causes such a cluster that you pretty much have to wipe.

I am completely certain that we’ll have microtransactions and inventory management like we did in Unity, which—to me—were the worst sins of that game.

God help me; I still can’t beat Golgoroth.

Yeah, I’m down to give it a shot, but it’ll be weeks before I get my 220-light babies up to speed. (Fuze9 on PS4)

Yup. Same.