Yeah, but this “exploit” needs you to burn dozens of strange coins, which could otherwise be spent normally at Xur for exotics. I really don’t see how it’s worth the RNG and time for the same result.
Yeah, but this “exploit” needs you to burn dozens of strange coins, which could otherwise be spent normally at Xur for exotics. I really don’t see how it’s worth the RNG and time for the same result.
Needed more Lena Dunham, but otherwise loved it.
TBH, things have been really solid for me at Best Buy & GameStop. It’s the Microsoft Store that’s almost always laughably difficult. They recently had a promotion to trade in any 360/PS3 game for $5 each if you pre-order an XB1 game. Fine. They wouldn’t accept two of my games, which is no big deal, but they somehow…
Now if only I knew how to use Shulk in the first place...
Hah! I knew this would happen shortly before the Taken King. Gotta get those players back in the saddle!
I still think this points to just how irrationally conservative Nintendo is. I listed to the Playstation blogcast every week; to think that team members can’t or shouldn’t engage openly and honestly with fans is truly poor judgment.
How are you able to do that? It tells me I’d need to download and install an Amazon app first. (Which, obviously, I can’t do w/o the phone.)
How are you able to do that? It tells me I’d need to download and install an Amazon app first. (Which, obviously, I…
Oh my God, take me with you! I stopped playing this game entirely because of how hellishly dreadful the online experience usually is.
Will there be co-op matchmaking? That’s one thing inexplicably absent from all other Halo titles.
Yeah, this whole time, I’ve been like, where was all this excitement SEVEN YEARS AGO?
Yeah, this is a nice reminder of just how butt-backwards some of the design choices in this game are—and of just how dense you’d have to be to leave ‘em that way! Skippable cutscenes. Is that so much to ask for? It’s not like you’re shy about showing us load screens otherwise!
I loved his “accidental” saves as Clark in that series.
I really wish these were extra unlocks for using Amiibo. For all the hype, there’s really surprisingly little those things do in these games.
Whew, so long as it’s just a Titan, I can resist. The moment they announce a Hunter, however, my wallet’s getting a chastity belt installed.
Whut? Why not wait until November and include Fallout 4?
Nope. Nope. Nope. Wind Rises. Moves me to tears, and I think he wove history and (adapted) fiction masterfully for a story more poignant than your typical Oscar-bait drama.
Well great, now I just lost the game.
Why people are freaking out... BECAUSE IT’S AMAZING.