
One of my big problems with this (or a lot of other Destiny activities) is the low reward for those times you aren’t flawless. You could play all day long and get nothing. Hours and hours with no additional XP, glimmer, engrams, weapons, or armor to show for it. Little wonder that loot cave was as popular as it was.

Well I’ll take that name when you’re done with it.

-_-... So, 17 pages of text & photos & bullet points in order to tell us “no comment” or “we didn’t hear back.”

Yeah, that’s more than 3 times my salary. FML

My only real disagreement would be Brave. Never got the hate it received.

So here’s the plan: buy this bundle, swap hard drives with my current console, sell the old PS4, sell the Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition sealed disc (keeping my steelbook vanilla copy), redeem the Digital Collector’s Edition, and get The Taken King digitally.

Never been happier to still be playing Witcher 2 right now. (If only they cut down on crafting item weight there too though...)

YUPPP. And it’s nothing compared to its upgrade/clothing menus. Eff that game.

Oh, no, they are. No composite. That’s the real deal. It’s a horrid, horrid game. You try to parkour and get your ankles stuck in an art easel.

Yes. Yes. Yes. And AC: Unity was the perfect example to use. Thank you.

Yo, as a video editor who’s applied to several video game trailer gigs, what can I do to get hired?

So expect opening lines to go from starting at 8A.M. to 5A.M.

Of course, the funny thing is that that particular flag was really only used by Lee’s Virginia army. Louisiana or South Carolina troops fought under different flags, so if this pushes legit Civil War games to get their history right, fine with me.

Yo, fwiw, Target’s got the Batman Arkham Knight Season Pass 10% off. Raw deal, I know, but the PSN version isn’t actually a code for the pass, it’s a code for $40 PSN credit. So actually pretty similar to that eBay deal.

Yo, fwiw, Target’s got the Batman Arkham Knight Season Pass 10% off. Raw deal, I know, but the PSN version isn’t

Man, I was just thinking about this during the Fallout 4 announcement. I wondered whatever happened w/ UT3. Had mouse & keyboard support too. Shame very few other titles did.

What I’ve never really understood for these issues is that—don’ts developers start on the PC? Preview builds are generally running off PCs; why do the final ports often feel like knock-offs?

Read your whole post, and I’ve been following this story elsewhere as well. Count me amongst the day-one fans happy to put this game out to pasture and leave it there.

But they’ve got all the currency/gear/skill tree garbage of Unity—which, to me, are the worst elements of that game.

I have such high expectations for Nintendo’s online matchmaking. Yes sir, no problems there. Full steam ahead.

Ugh, so what’s the best way/place to watch these? I’ve been going through the Arise episodes(?) on Netflix. (2 down, 2 to go.) Am I missing anything yet?