
Thank God. As much as I keep trying to play the original, it’s just so dated!

Man, this last week has been leaky! The Taken King, Xbox One price drop (ish), Ryu & Roy in Smash Bros., Red Dead Redemption 2 in the Ubisoft survey, Transformers: Devastation... and on and on...

I did just request a refund for Analogue: A Hate Story. I feel bad about it, but it was an impulse buy, and I suspect it’ll sit in my backlog indefinitely.

Ugh, you were so spoiled. Try doing this as a 20-something hunter with NO void primaries, no Truth, just Swordbreaker. Entirely different experience. You have to get up close and personal with this no-range shotgun, and with that Destiny lag, you’ll trade kills even if you pull the trigger first. GOOD TIMES.

Yeah, I got this bounty as a hunter w/ no void legendaries. It took AGES to finish up that bounty. I ran raids over and over for Word of Crota or Atheon’s Epilogue. After working my butt off for that gun, you bet I’ll overuse it in Trials!

I just recently switched to disc 2 (am currently in the caves with dwarves). Any sense of how far along I am? Halfway, I assume.

Shrug. Installed 1.5TB HDD on day one for mine.

kills don’t even count for grimoire score

Yeah, now that I’ve hit 34 with two characters, I feel like I’m done. Why beat bash my head against a wall anymore for Skolas, when all I might get is the same basic gear I could get from other activities?

After two expansions, we’re beginning to have the game advertised at launch. Still a chore at times, and this new expansion offers all new items to grind for (looking at you treasure keys), but there’s enough variety that your average players can really enjoy something novel throughout one long playthrough.

It’s so beautiful....

So the sad/scary thing is... if you sell your console with P.T. installed, it has to stay linked to your PSN account to keep working, right? Presumably the buyer could then eff up your friends list, trophies, purchases, etc., right? This seems too dangerous to be worth it anyway. Can you log out of your account,

Does this play better than the original mod? I could barely play it, while regular Source games worked fine.

Yeah, I thought we were about to hear some glass shattering after that epic sigh as the host threw his console out the window.

I'd really love to respond to that complaint by looking up at the sky in horror. "Oh God, it's happening again! Prepare for THE WRITHING!!!"

Thought the headline read "amiibo Board Games." Left disappointed.

Thought the headline read "amiibo Board Games." Left disappointed.

Yeah, some of his content can feel like "punching down" (even if you think the target's a worthwhile one). While he's on record saying GGers are full of crap, it's part of the same hyperbolic sense of entitlement that blurs the line between "consumer advocate" and bully. Nonetheless, I enjoy his videos. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Agreed. Eff any of those 4.0+ scorin' schools. Bunch of cheating farts. In my school, we got A-'s, which became 3.8's. Graduated with a firm kick in the dick.

I remember you talking about this in an episode of Indoor Kids. Good times.