
So why are you recommending $9 lightning cables from Monoprice over the $4 ones at Newegg?

So why are you recommending $9 lightning cables from Monoprice over the $4 at Newegg?

Good day to you, I say. GOOD DAY. 1332-7780-2173.

*Shoves money inside computer* MAKE IT HAPPEN

Added you. I'm at 1332-7780-2173.

Xbox Gamertag: fuze9 (but it might be a bit before I renew Gold; it just expired last week after a bit of GTA Online).

Add me to the mix! I'm at 1332-7780-2173. Always happy to trade, battle, or just send some O-Powers.

Good point. I feel as though the main way PvZ2 adds variety is through the arbitrary star level restrictions (generate X amount of sun, don't let zombies cross a line of flowers, don't plant on the mold colony), and those just aren't as inventive as the environmental challenges of the first game.

Moving files from iPhone to iPad worked for me, but it looks like I'll have to do the same thing to go the other way around (none of the other steps have worked yet). When can normal iCloud syncing kick in? It works just fine with Rayman Origins.

I gotta say, as cool as these collector's handhelds are, they have the same problem as old PowerBooks. They look fine closed, but once you open it up (as the device is meant to be used), the design is upside-down!

*breathes enormous sigh of relief that's been held in for about a year and a half*

Regarding the headline, Humble's Deep Silver bundle is not a weekly sale. Different section. Weekly is still Positech Games.

Ehh.. that was indeed The Amazing Spider-Man's design. The sequel is sporting a much more classic look.

"... for personal and macintosh computers."

Sorry, but as much as I'd like to be excited about any of these deals, I just can't bring myself to buy them after all these pay-what-you-want bundles have featured those I'd previously bought on sale. At this point, you may as well just wait, since it seems like at some point or another, you'll be able to find just


I'm hoping there'll be a promo with the Star Trek blu-ray for cash off "Into Darkness" tickets. Figured it'd be an obvious move, but I haven't seen anything yet.

Can you elaborate on just how to do so? I'm interested but hesitant. Say you have 3 of these pre-paid Newegg cards, do you then just use 'em all, one after another, on a future order? That is to say, can you stack 3 $10 cards for a $30 order?