
Woah. Completely different experience for me. I loved the combat more than 1 or 2 (admittedly, I only played a bit of 2), but I played the game in a fundamentally different way. I was regularly switching up weapons, vigors, and gear throughout a firefight in a really dynamic and exciting way. And turrets? Possession. E

Any reaction to ? I've heard about your cultural liaisons, but what kind of feedback have you received post-launch from Native Americans? Also, what was the relationshop like with Ubisoft Sofia on Liberation?

But as before, the big question is whether there's any way to fix corrupted saves (& the hours of work lost).

Yeah, that line reminded me of this little economic study of video games that did some back-of-napkin estimates of the value of particular video game bullet-points (multiplayer, duration, genre, etc.) and concluded that, purely from a marketing standpoint, an FPS RPG stealth game was pretty much the $60 sweet spot. Of

Meanwhile, another impassioned Pokemon fan had this to say, "All I ever wanted to do as a trainer was to be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them was my real test; to train them is my cause."

In other words, Indiana Jones got off easy with its 4th installment?

And how. Activision right now:

At first glance, I thoughts that was MODOK... even though I've read 52.

Agreed. That one-line dissolution of their marriage felt like some kind of sad retcon.

I hate you all. I hate what you do to me. OH SNAP, DOUBLE CAT!!

Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.

Oh yeah - I can't imagine they'd go through all that. But a simple GotG origin-esque story (with the more recognizable characters such as Nova) establishing the film canon's cast of characters as a band of misfts who've all fled from or otherwise tussled with Thanos would set up nicely for Avengers 2.

My thoughts exactly. (though if Resi 4 is any indication, I worry about just how HD this is going to be)

Dang, that looks pretty sharp.. Kind regretting my official Sony one now.

Sorry, but that thing's enormous. I just wanted something to protect the screen before tossing it into a messenger bag or backpack, so it was the awkward ice cream sandwich case for me: []

I looked all around these people, convinced I'd find a URL, QR code, or some sort of hint that this was a viral marketing campaign for some new game. Nope! Shocking, honestly.

This Miiverse business feels like Nintendo really is missing the point of online connectivity. We just want multiplayer, not iTunes' Ping.

Hear, hear

All I can say is it would have been a heck of a lot easier to just have the screens blast green the whole time and comp the video in later via After Effects. I assumed that's what they did until I watched the side-by-side behind the scenes video.

Thanks so much for highlighting this. Easily the best storytelling bits from any non-RPG Mario game, and it was excised entirely for SMG2 and ignored by a lot of reviewers. I really was moved by the gradual revelations found in these storytelling sessions, and I wish they were a little more prominent (so that players