Nah, look up the story to see how I feel...
Nah, look up the story to see how I feel...
WOOOOOWWWW... How incredibly crappy. I chose to show my support by buying this album first thing this morning when it was $10, and now, 8 hours later, it's half-price. Talk about your Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard...
My firs thought too. Old news and pretty meh news at that.
UNGH! Why can I only click 'Like' once?!?
Totally. I'm running into a lot of awkward moments with Dom where we share a chainsaw kill, staring longingly into each others' eyes from each side of an eviscerated Locust.
Indeed I have. It's taken some getting used to (after readjusting for Deus Ex), and I also feel as though I'm more likely to get nicked while behind cover in this game as opposed to its predecessors (but then again, it feels like I have a little more health anyway).
Meh, or any other overly-hooded character? #ImlookingatyouAltair
Well, you're certainly optimistic, I'll give you that. Still, a complete dearth of new features leaves long-time fans like me feeling ultimately underwhelmed. You know what the latest Deus Ex does have? Saving. *grumble*
Agreed. I can only hope this sort of crap is banned as soon as possible. And people wonder why there are so few female game designers. Namco Bandai is saying, "We think of you as objects to gaze upon."
If the human race is about to be utterly decimated, why is Cerberus intent on fighting you (or anyone else for that matter)? Who cares what you did or didn't do with that choice at the end of ME2; you've got a species to save.
Call me crazy, but I don't think their statement that the game was physically demanding was meant to imply it was poorly designed. I imagine the comparison to Wii Sports Boxing was meant to be something of a compliment. Have you tried No More Heroes or Red Steel 2? These were fairly good action games with motion…
Agreed. Edging out towards Burbank (if that counts).
Oh wow, that's right where I work. I always see their crew at lunch.
Woah, woah, woah. Haven't read Morning Glories yet? Shame! It's remarkable. Yes, it's about a particularly evil prep school that keeps adding new twists and turns with every issue. Like Lost, however, you have to wonder if the writer will ever be able to satisfyingly resolve the growing list of mysteries.
I heart Hale & Bissell. I met the latter at a book launch party and told him how much Kotaku ought to be working with him like every week. I feel as if I've accomplished something.
They totally announced an NA equivalent. Same games, I believe.
Daang. Looks like Nintendo used up their entire video budget for the year on those Robin WIlliams ads. I'd offer my editing services to them pro bono, but papa's got bills to pay.
Also, as already noted on Twitter, a #corrections note: 2nd sentence - "...but you could get in your jacket pocket." Unless the device enabled you to fold into your clothing, there might be a missing word there.
Considering the context, perhaps regress is correct.
Uhm, parity in posing, people? Why would soldiers wear weird high heels? Why wear a top that clearly could not stay up while walking for more than a dozen paces? How do booty shorts and stockings protect you from flames and shrapnel? This has less to do with bringing female characters into popular games than showing…