I love how you Gamergate types troll in groups. It’s to hide how utterly false and unsubstantiated your claims are by creating the illusion of support.
I love how you Gamergate types troll in groups. It’s to hide how utterly false and unsubstantiated your claims are by creating the illusion of support.
Misandry does not exist. That’s a fact. There is no organized systemic discrimination against men.
Your entire post history screams of you being apart of something like Gamergate or wishing you had the balls to be.
Yep! These are indeed people that need to be dragged out into the open and beaten. They have long since left humanity behind and are just filth walking on two legs. This filth is also some of the nastiest sexist scum on the net because at least some POS nations are honest about being pricks. These guys keep trying to…
So harassment is justified when you disagree with a person?
Don’t doxx people. Is that so hard?
Kill yourself.
To be fair, she does support the legalization of child pornography (something she never hid). Does this mean she should be fired for it? No, because your personal beliefs shouldn’t effect your job. It doesn’t mean she should have all this personal info on her dug up either.
“Marvel’s most important black superhero has evolved a lot over 50 years.”
Yup. Nobody outside of comics knew the name Tony Stark until 2008.
Blockbuster movies have a way of making mid-tier characters top-tier. (Ref: Iron Man, Ant-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy)
I hate this mentality.
You know, generally people grow out of the “jingle keys” level of enjoyment and actually need something more than loud, bright, and moving to keep their attention. I’m glad you’re able to watch schlock and get some entertainment out of it, but you won’t get any less out of it with your viewing style with a smart or…
I’m sorry, but as an artist and writer myself that mentality really pains me. I wish less people had that mentality
I find poorly made movies boring, not fun, and tedious, even with my brain turned off. There’s a difference between well-made trash and complete crap.
I never got that mentality... if you’re only interested in the exciting visuals, why see a movie at all? You could just wait until someone uploads all the fight scenes and watch them on Youtube. If I’m actually going to go watch a film I’d like for the story to at least not be so bad that it distracts me from enjoying…
I dunno. I find io9's actual reviews to be generally good and even-handed.
Come on, man, that’s unfair. Anyone who’s read “Watchmen” knows how super-faithful Snyder was when he turned Silk Spectre and Night Owl into Neo and Trinity in their fight scenes..
Anyone else get the feeling that this movie is going to be more of a hot mess than Fantastic Four (any of them)?
I assumed there was a reason for that which would become clear given context.