Pan of Steel

Ooooh, Family Guy.

Best way to take a selfie is to hand someone else the camera.

What a weird biography of a man I had no interest in learning about, but greatly fascinated me when reading about him. Really good long read Shaun and totally unexpected from Deadspin. You briefly mention Oscar Bonavena. He’s someone who also had an interesting life that would make a great long read.

You didn’t even mention the terrible sight lines you get from having two walls on either side of you. Fighter pilots are all about situational awareness, that’s why they have a canopy. The TIE’s are literally blind to anything that’s not directly in front of them.

That’s why it’s fun? For me, at least?

The B wing is the best looking star fighter

This is an unreasonably long and thorough analysis of something that doesn’t matter.

A new meme has emerged! I’ve been waiting for this day!

Is Yasmin Vossoughian a replicant?

My Day Trip bag is a mess. I was too busy having sex with women to get it in order.

Hey now, pear knives are great to keep with you. Cut up some apples, throw some peanut butter on them, and you have a great snack.

Lifehacker - I like your blog, but this is not hacking life. This is being a consumer and your kinja blog is taking over. Many of these items are not needed, for example: Knives are not helpful, even if it’s a multi-function tool - it’s just playing into the male ego and quest to have a tool for the unexpected. Well,

Here is a website that shows what is in people’s camera bags:

God, this makes me sad for a whole number of reasons. Mostly the insistence of somehow equating scientific, accurate terms with sex or or sexiness sexuality.

Let the record show that Chris volunteered to review Mad Max. You brought this on yourself, man!

Because we all know that the Superman comics are really all about ethics in superhero journalism.

Yeah but you dislike all the good foods and all things that are good, so what the hell do you know.