
When I was in 8th grade, we were learning about HIV/AIDS and one of my classmates said "We should put all the f-gs with that f-g disease in a stadium and burn it down." My teacher had come up behind him at just the right moment to hear this statement. She just said "Fuck you. And go to the principal's office now."

How do these conservatives spend so much time thinking about buttsex and STILL not understand it?

Heck, I'm surprised he didn't call it GRID.

I'm willing to bet since the Enquirer is based in the U.S. and we have pretty stringent free speech laws. The U.K. is a better bet for her to win in court.


Police report the rabbit survived the beating and is recovering.

Here's the thing I do not understand. Driving a minivan is not parenting. It's taxi service. (And most of the kids I knew growing up were in a carpool anyway, so it was a once or twice a week thing.) Making cupcakes is not parenting. It's food preparation. There are SO MANY THINGS that are absolutely unrelated to

Another super-fun one is, "Why don't you have a boyfriend?" And then if you say, "Because I don't want one," the person looks at you like, Yeah, right. You are probably crushed under the weight of loneliness and desperation. It's like, if you really don't believe anyone could possibly be happy being single and be

I'm not sure what you mean. Having a tattoo removed isn't that simple. It is literally part of your body. Removal is painful, arduous, expensive, and often with imperfect results. Meanwhile, if you don't like your nose or breasts, you can have a painful, expensive, but often not particularly arduous procedure that

I do not understand why people feel the need to share that they think tattoos look awful. Like, okay well thanks for your unsolicited and unnecessary opinion on my appearance! Glad we got that established! I can sleep at night now knowing someone has very important opinions on how the bodies of others look!

This. The abuse never leaves. It doesn't excuse her, but surely it makes her deserving of our empathy.

Almost all of my married friends (myself included) met our spouses at the bar. In fact, I didn't know my husband's name until we woke up.

Short answer: female is a term that could be applied to half the animal kingdom and a good number of plants. It's not specific to humans, and because most people mentally rank humans at the top of the biological heap, calling a human being by a term that could be applied to animals is not just othering, it's

Instructions? A Q&A session? Updates?

BuzzFeed, if you're listening, new listacle/quiz idea: True story or tossed out EastEnders story arc?

I'm a parent and I'm delighted to have my 11-year old speak privately with her doctor about puberty and anything else she might want to discuss with HER DOCTOR. When are our children supposed to learn how to talk to their doctors? After they grapple with the most significant and confusing (not to say potentially

The reason is this called victim-blaming is that you're not telling dudes to not drink so much they can't discern consent. Another reason this is called victim blaming is that clothes don't cause rape, rapists do. Women who were burkas are raped. So your "advice" is worthless. Another reason this is called victim

No. If my neighbor steals from me, and they say "Oh, she said I could have it," it would be their word against my word. Yet I'm not lectured about What I Should Have Done because you can't trust anyone and there are always bad people in the world.

So instead of making rape easier to prosecute or making the police go through sensitivity training on such matters or a whole host of things we can do (that people smarter than I can think of) we're just going to throw our hands up and tell women it's their problem. Sounds totally reasonable.

Let's not give any more juice to the woefully inaccurate and enabling language of "alphas" and "betas," the MRA's don't need any more encouragement. People who use those labels often sound unhinged and I never trust anything or anyone who uses those terms seriously. They're like some sort of awful self-fulfilling