
You not say Ukraine sexy!

If the measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members, the U.S. is failing. Miserably, and on all counts.

It's hard knowing that so much of our personal power comes through looks. As a woman of color who is also cis, thin and conventionally attractive (ex-model and beauty queen...had to pay for college somehow), I know that I have used my looks as a workaround for systemic racism popping up in my day-to-day existence.

Illiterate Idiot. The word is "hostess".

Well, at least now they're finally getting down to brass tacks instead defending their ideas as informed and somehow "woman-friendly".

I always appreciate it when they use the words they mean before they get around to spinning it. At least we know where those idiots stand.

Those "standards" are culturally reinforced discrimination in favour of those with the most youth, health and money (desirability of thinness came about as food became cheap and accessible to everyone, thus the class distinction of fatness was lost and re-established as thinness). And yeah, skewered to look at women

I'll let Raylan convey my feelings on this development.

Love your handle, Pam YOU MANATEE! Holy shitsnacks! Anyhoo....Have you tried finding a regular slip? The department stores only carry shapewear now. The clerks don't even know what I'm talking about. I've resorted to old lady catalogs. I have a few unlined skirts, and no one should be subjected to my thigh shadows.

Disfigured? Pretty sure that's the kind of attitude she's talking about.

Attention-getting rebellion? That's a pretty narrow view of why peopl3e get tattoos.

You're not the only one. "Seasons of Love" makes me want to knife a hobo.

LOL at all the tattoo haters. you choose to wear whatever clothes you want, i choose to wear a more permanent style. i don't rag on your last season bootcut jeans, you don't need to rag on my half sleeve

As a person with beautiful tattoos I'll just leave this here:

I have tattoos, and hate when people ask me about them. It's just so boring to answer. They are a part of my body. It's like asking about my arm, right? They're for me, not you. So don't ask.

People tend to group those with tattoos all together. I'm not quite sure why. I guess it's ignorance. It's like grouping together everyone without tattoos.

Oh, God, I wanted that hair cut so bad.

Yeah, but Lelaina's hair was on point!

She's a fucking national treasure.

Blame it on testosterone, call it whatever you want—but on average, men initiate sex more than women, they're more sexually permissive than women, and they connect sex to romance less often than women.