A Californian once said "You should, like, move to the East Coast" to me AS AN INSULT. It was spectacular. People truly found me outrageous at times; bizarre.
A Californian once said "You should, like, move to the East Coast" to me AS AN INSULT. It was spectacular. People truly found me outrageous at times; bizarre.
Iago: Here, noble lord, is her cell phone.
Othello: Be off with you! I do not snoop.
Iago: Her sext is plain to see. Behold, she wears nought but the handkerchief. Didst thou not give it to her thyself?
Othello: My heart breaks! What villainy!
I hope that whomever they use to replace her is as fearless as she was. Agree with her or not, she always had the courage to speak her mind, a trait that is largely absent from fashion "criticism" these days.
Sigh I like swing dancing, because I think partner dancing/social dancing is a fun social thing to do and I wish there was more of that.
I stalk my local grocery store this time of year because I have a secret nemesis who buys all the samoas before I get a chance.
I go from visiting once weekly to visit at least every other day in hopes that the local troops will be there ;)
They aren't my issues. I'm a lucky person. I have a good job, with good insurance, that pays for birth control. But many, many, many women in this country don't and frankly, won't ever. The difference between me and you is that I recognize this is a real issue and you are intent on dismissing it and minimizing it.…
I feel, you I'm a 19th century historian and I collect jewelry and other small items from the period and would love if the mini-bustle could have a come back, but I also write and teach about slavery and the situation for women in that period. Not to mention scarlet fever, dysentary, tuberculosis, mumps, 6-7 day work…
I think some of the old timey manners are problematic in and of themselves. Being formal is just fine in my book. A whole system of treating women differently, and generally condescendingly, isn't my cup of tea.
I propose shouting "VOTES FOR WOMEN!" as the proper response to any m'ladying.
I you say "m'lady" I assume you're addressing the Inn Keep on your quest to find the magical lute of great resplendence.
Also you LARP.
I have; she was a coworker, extended family member by marriage, and a friend. I lost her to a violent murder. Her death cemented my beliefs against the death penalty.
I'm pretty sure you're busy defending you point of view, but I do need to assert that I'm not sure if you're really emotionally immature or if you're trolling or if you genuinely believe this stuff you've written. If no one has told you before, allow me to be the first. Rape is not sex. It is an act of violence about…
I'm on the Hydra Diet. Unfortunately, for each pound I lose, I grow two more in its place.
I have this theory about men trolling feminist blogs. They are the same men who like to masturbate in public, just to see how women react. They seem to think that they either frighten us, or impress us.
I don't know why more don't acknowledge that Rand Paul and those like him either complete sociopaths, complete idiots, or both. You want to decrease unintended pregnancies? All the countries that have done that successfully have government funded comprehensive sex ed programs and accessible birth control. You want…
You see that face in the picture above? That is the face of a man who has no fucking clue as to what happens in real life.
My mom's a lunch lady for a school in Utah, and the district absolutely pressures her to pull this kind of shit. They call the parents, send notes home, and give the students a few days warning. Still, if their parents are flat broke and/or don't speak English, this kind of stuff happens. My mom doesn't give a fuck,…