Men's Rights sociopaths who don't think women are real people.
Good for you mom. But clearly I'm a monster. My first response to a kid not wanting to eat something I've cooked is to say "Fine" and not make them anything else. I swear to god if my niece ever threw a shit fit like that on Thanksgiving she could sulk in a corner while we ate. NO PIZZA BAGELS FOR YOU.
Plastic implants are not 'better' than real breasts.
On the other hand, what I did learn from "The Great American Novel" is that when you're bothered by something - punch it in the face. Probably not the thing I was supposed to pick up, being a girl and all, but hey, don't teach me if you don't want me learning stuff.
Yeah my ex-husband is autistic. That made him have issues with social skills. It also made him completely unlikely to do something like this because he wasn't one to go put himself out on a dating site either. He would never have written something like this. I'm really really perplexed by the number of people who read…
My mother was the voice of reason. “Relationships are a marathon, not a sprint,” she said. “Take it one sandwich at a time.”
"The Female human body is the most beautiful work of Art God ever created"
My ex-husband was like this. He was on vacation, lounging in his bathrobe all day. I asked him to put the potatoes on. That's it. I left a note how to do it. I show up after a 12 hour day...and supper isn't started. He says he didn't know how to boil water. Oh, and he's super hungry because I didn't leave anything for…
Thank your lucky stars he didn't mention the loudest fruit of all: The Banana!
And really, an article about a woman being slut-shamed for a hickey is not the appropriate place to be sharing your personal opinions on whether or not hickeys are "tasteful" or "adult" or whatever the fuck.
God, the number of people commenting that hickeys are gross/abusive/juvenile is really depressing.
My Favorite Suit, as I've mentioned on Jez before, was worn by Laura Holt on Remington Steele. It was a dream of a black two piecer, with small shoulder pads that gave the jacket power but in a subtle way, the skirt was perfectly fitted and it came to just below the knee—not too short, not too long, with a subtle slit…
I volunteer to eat all the doughnuts and cookies for you Jezzies, saving you all from cancer.
I'm leery of dismantling a system designed—however imperfectly—to protect past and future victims, when support for victims is scant enough as it is.
<Light British accent>