I don’t get why they married (so fast) in the first place. It’s not like they need the tax break or a family health care plan or were saving themselves for marriage.
I don’t get why they married (so fast) in the first place. It’s not like they need the tax break or a family health care plan or were saving themselves for marriage.
Meh, I don’t like either of them but Amber is young and shouldn’t waste any more of her life and youth on this drunk mess.
1 loaf of whole grain bread with the most amount of grains?
Oh, he wants Trump Bread. The classiest, grainiest bread on the market. No Mexican buyers, please.
Rugged individualism is a damn lie.
This is very sad. I am sorry this happened to you!
I have a natural recoil response to balding, red-faced priests of a certain age, myself. It occurs often cause I live right in the midst of a thriving Catholic enclave by complete ironic coincidence.
Very thoughtful comment.
The “wrestling coach” job is just the sweetest of sweet spots for the boy-preferring pedophiles, isn’t it?
I never told my mom and she died without a clue. I was so worried about getting in trouble because I was convinced that I let it happen so it was my fault. I thought they would take me aaway from my mom and she would go to jail like some other kids in town (their mom was at fault in that she was pimping them outfor…
I don’t disagree.
Probably a bit of both. I don’t think we should underestimate how kids want to “take care” of their parents. My parents were totally normal, middle class, etc, but growing up I always wanted to protect them from any sort of bad things that happened to me, because I felt like they shouldn’t have to worry about me. If I…
Yes. Time and time and time again, news breaks of abusers who operated for years. They were either too intimidating or their reputation was too “good” for victims to come forward and risk not being believed or it’s just (c’mon, we all know this by now) shame that keeps victims silent, especially to their parents.
“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”
Great article! Speaks a little bit to my own political leanings as well. I was super conservative, registered Republican at 18, Rush Limbaugh show subscription, the whole package. Over time, I became more and more liberal. Looking back, it’s amazing how blindingly ignorant I was about a lot of things.
I consider myself to be a conservative democrat. I am fiscally conservative and for a smaller government, but cannot in good conscious support some of the Republican social views. I find that new Republicans are sort of the opposite - crazy on social issues, but couldn’t give a fuck about fiscal responsibility as long…
I didn’t know Feldman was so well spoken. I used to love “the Coreys” when I was younger. It must be so strange to have a child and realize how wrong some of the shit that was happening to you really was.
Every year I think “I’m going to find a great pair of white jeans for this summer” and every year I fail miserably. I didn’t even know it was possible to see cellulite through denim....
haha i try!! i love my kids even when they’re mega turds. it’s hard enough to be a teenager so i try to be firm but also aware of the context that their turd-ness is coming from (i work in an inner-city school where almost all of the students are living in poverty).
This was exactly my thought- fetishes always seem like a lot of work.