
But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.

Isn’t kinda disrespectful for a judge to address lawyers by their first names rather than Counselor? This is clearly not a friendly working relationship, so seems like a breach of ettiquette on his part. True, or nah?

A friend posted this .gif on her Facebook with the comment, “This is the relationship between me (Tormund) and my cats (Brienne).”

So I’m a few seasons behind, but boy do I relate to her character in this aspect! I was a very tall and nerdy kid, and for some reason from elementary through high school, it was a favorite game for someone to say, “Hey, Someone-cool likes you!” and everyone would watch to see my reaction (this happened frequently to

I haven’t been watching this season, but I’ve been reading the recaps and watching short scenes. I’ve started shipping these two hard.

I feel you, FeedMeJellyBeans! Keep on fighting the bra size battle, I’m right there beside you.

The difference between a functional, reasonably happy, healthy upbringing and a dysfunctional one is like growing up on a different planet.

Agree 100%. This article is about the author growing and learning how to have healthy relationships with men, so many of the comments make it seem like people only read the first half of the story then rushed to the comments to make judgements.

That exchange between them is just priceless.

idk i feel like if somebody poked me in the twat i’d also be like “ew” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

thank you. it’s very frustrating to have women who had great childhoods/stable relationships with their fathers come in and tell us we’re fucked up. I’m 32 and still dealing with the fall out of my father’s abandonment—-I’ve just finally stopped dating dudes who treat me like shit and thinking I can “change them”. Now

I’m not sure if that gif has anything to do with this. But I ship these two SO HARD. I want someone to eat a biscuit at me the way Tormund does at Brienne.

I just love this gif.

I have never read so many comments from so many people that really don’t understand what the writer was getting at.

Isn’t it unrealistic to expect him to never have a boner unless it is related to her? I mean it was a movie, who cares? It’s not like he was using the boner to cheat on her or nor was he expecting her to do anything about said boner.

Right? I am all for poking boners playfully! I WILL POKE ALL THE BONERS PLAYFULLY! (when I have permission to be that playful, of course, I am not just going around town with binoculars looking for boners to poke...YET.)

what...what is happening here!?