
As I've said in other threads, it is an open secret that the US is in South Korea to stop SK from invading the North, not the other way around. The South would absolutely fuck up NK if given the chance. I was there when those small islands were shelled by NK and the South was seriously ready to throw down. The

It's an open secret on the peninsula that the US is not in SK to protect SK from NK...we are there to stop SK from going batshit crazy on NK.

I'm going to join the chorus with total, absolute disagreement. How is this not a classic ending? Also: Dale and Andrea!

Damn you are cute when you get all troll-ey. Want to go on a date? I promise I'll buy!

I'm not interested enough to dig much deeper, but if you click the link that supposedly describes the visuals on the site regarding the cyphers, there is a pic on the left with the website author and 'Goldcatcher'. Goldcatcher's face is obscured, but if you actually click the pic the file name is

Does anyone know if any kind of speculative, back of the napkin surveys have been done guessing at what killed them, if we assume they were on this island and exclude natural causes? For example, a 5-30 year stretch charting known hurricanes, tsunamis, etc that might have come close enough to affect their little

Right, because everyone should only work towards the one thing AshaLil deems interesting. By your logic we should not reconstruct ancient cities or dig up dinosaur bones either, yeah? Also- I don't think either of us are trolls, but you are certainly a miserably uninteresting person severely lacking in imagination

NOTE TO ALL HUMANS: Curiosity no longer welcome in this space. Please live your lives without question or comment and then die. That is all.

I'm laughing so goddamn hard I almost woke up the wife and baby.


Totally. "The Bible is true because The Bible says so" is the foundational circular logic of all Christianity.

As mentioned in the article, it is against local customs. Another fine example of spiritualism benefiting mankind *rolleyes*.

I think it would be interesting, in times of need like this, to take the patent or the IP, get it where it needs to go, then hold the proceeds from it in a kind of escrow. Then let the rights-holders work out their legal issues. It would be a form of pre-existing revenue.

I'm with you, but the author specifically states that it is logically certain that you have green eyes. Has a solution been posted?

My problem is introduced right there. Two dragons, after the first night, make the logical leap that they both have green eyes and would change on the second night. Three or more could still keep the possibility that you as dragon x are not the green eyed dragon. As long as there is at least one other green eyed

I agree, this only makes sense for two. Three or more and you could not be certain that you also had green eyes.

The trick is introduced when a stranger says that he sees a dragon with green eyes. He is telling the truth. This means that at least one dragon has been notified that they have green eyes and MUST leave that night, according to the rules. However, no dragons would leave on the first night, because they see 99

Great comment.

I'll be damned, it was Argentinians, not Russians. No wonder I could never find the article again! Turns out they witnessed the collapse of the Larsen A shelf...

I read an article about a crew of Russians on some rocky island in some bay of Antarctica. Ice shelf that aurrounded them and filled the bay was considered to be stable, and then one night the whole goddamn thing blew up and collapsed. Shook the island so badly the Russians thought the ice would tear the island