I always thought this was one helluva cool scene.
I always thought this was one helluva cool scene.
Well, yeah- fruit is sweet for a reason. Honey is sweet for a reason. There's 14g of sugar in a banana- yet you and the rest of the free world probably think it is a super healthy thing to eat each morning. (which it is, compared to a Pepsi) However, two bananas do not a Pepsi make.
We've had this treasure trove of animal remains- a veritable Who's Who of 100,000 years of North American paleontology just sitting there..and we've done nothing with it for 30 years? Did somebody find something...unhealthy...down there in the 70's?
Those black and white photos *are* in color...
I don't get it..are they making it in the video or only shaving it? Because that would seem to be an excess of furrowed brows and contemplative looks if they are only shaving it down...
Seriously? These dollars were spent on something that had immediate, recognizable return on investment. Do you have any idea how rare that is in Government work? I suspect you do not.
Love this movie, and kinda surprised it hasn't attained more cult-ish following...
A year and a half ago, I would be raging right now- such was my anger. And you know, it's not 'bad movie anger'...I'm quite a fan of bad movies. I now feel that my rage is directed towards Ridley Scott- I feel like he tricked me. He has made so many great movies, some of them leading up to this movie...and then to…
I hate this one so much- my coworkers and I deal with some seriously f'd up stuff from the leadership in our company, and I know how these hallway conferences usually go- and because of that I know that in some unwritten scene the surviving underlings are gathered in the coffee room going "Man, that was some fucked up…
Is that a serious question or are you doing your best troll impression right now? Besides...I'm a DoD project manager, and if you want to talk about millions that are *truly* wasted..come buy me a beer sometime. This landspeed shit is practically curing cancer compared to some of the shit I've wasted your taxpayer…
We learn when we attempt to exceed our previous maximums. Isn't that enough?
Are there dead actors who could pull it off? ;-)
Yes, but I'm sure even M.Bay's budget ends somewhere.
Me too. Oh wait nevermind, no I won't, cuz I don't want to be depressed tonight.
On the Beach covered this rather terrifyingly I think. Slightly different cause...same net effect in the end.
~2:40 onwards surfing the cloudtops where the wingtips were visibly skimming the clouds from time to time was one of the coolest things I've seen in a long while.
That is the attitude of nearly every cubicle worker I have hired who is still tethered to the cubicle after x number of years. There is a big adult world just outside your cubicle walls, but you have to give/sacrifice to get in.
Clearly you know more about this than I do...but doesn't the article state that this wouldnt work if the pendulums were attached to/sitting on an immovable object?
I have no issue with this. But the OCD in me really wants him to finish filling it with water.
My wife and I travel alot- one of our cardinal rules of traveling is to 'never buy anything that requires a shelf'. Has drastically cut down on knicknacks in the house...