It’s a wee bit sexist though..right up there with “Smile honey..why so sad?”. How about “Bastard Face” ? I’m not seeing a lot of support for that.
It’s a wee bit sexist though..right up there with “Smile honey..why so sad?”. How about “Bastard Face” ? I’m not seeing a lot of support for that.
Yes. Becase when men don’t smile, it’s just the way their damn face looks. Women? Let’s slap a bitch label on that bitch, because how dare she not smile? Bitch.
Slightly off topic: I HATE the term ‘resting bitch face’, almost as much as I hate it when random men on the street tell me to ‘smile!’.
Cue butthurt comments from women who say there’s nothing sexist about taking their husband’s last name.
Lol idk what the problem is with being “bulky” ... I want to look strong. I want to look like I’m not somebody to fuck with. I want to look like I’m capable of lifting things without a man’s assistance. And I want to be able to do these things.
If God accidentally sneezed and messed up all the pieces on his game board called Earth causing Donald Trump to somehow win the presidency, every immigrant—even children—would be deported from the United States.
Agree. I hope there is also special place in hell for people who exploit vulnerable girls in the foster care system. I’m not saying that what they did was right, but what he was planning to do was not right either.
Am I the only one who thinks Jamie is being too hard on the person who did her make-up? I think it looks great in the picture, and I don’t see grandmother in it at all. The foundation does look a little cakey on the right side where the light is hitting it, but overall I think the color matches her neck color. And it…
What people just should eat their art? Live in it? Fuck the romanticizing of living a life of poverty for art, or else you are a hack sell out. Fuck. That.
As an artist, this is the stupidest most frustrating bullshit ever to hear.
So many people subscribe to this idea and it just feeds the notion that you’re not a “real” artist if you can 1. Survive on your work, 2. Endeavor to get your work into the minds/senses of others.
Artists have always had brands, intentionally…
Artists have always had brands. They were just described using other words in the past.
I don’t know how to wear statement necklaces and have them not look absolutely ridiculous on me. This is another one of those case where I just have to get used to it, right? Because I look like an IDIOT, but I tend to think they work quite well on others.
On behalf of so many ladies, let me just be the one to say the obvious, “awww, damn it”
Holy crap, you made columns.
i cut my own cuticles and feel 100% fine about it.
I do know something about art and I am a performance artist and this is just ridiculous and offensive. No one should have to perform naked in a college course at any age or level. The dude is clearly a pervert who is totally getting off on this. This is absolutely unnecessary. I also happen to have taught a little,…
Like a fuck-siesta.
I’m surprised that they’d put this much effort into a video for one of the worst tracks on the album.
No one deserves to be physically punished for having different interests and priorities than you do. I agree that donating to charity is great. But would you say the same thing about a person who buys fine art? Who has a nicer car than they need? A nicer house than they need? Or maybe someone who has spent thousands…