Rowan’s tweet sounds like a very privilaged perspective. The way white people say they “don’t see color,” while living a life without the same challenges as a POC.
Rowan’s tweet sounds like a very privilaged perspective. The way white people say they “don’t see color,” while living a life without the same challenges as a POC.
There is something off about that Rowan tweet. Does anyone else feel it? It’s less like someone coming out as queer because they are queer but more like someone coming out as queer because they hate labels or “whateva.” Like someone trying on a title not because it fits them but because, hey, I am open minded and this…
Not going to stop me. I’ll just wear the regulation one at the store and swap on deliveries. Where there’s a will there’s a swag.
Also mentioned this in a thread above, but I’ve been interested in switching to a safety razor but I’m intimidated by all of the accessories that make it seem like a big investment. Do I actually need the soap/brush/cup thing or can I just use regular shaving cream or whatever? Are there big differences between the…
If I’m going to go through pregnancy and labor, then the product of said pregnancy and labor is going to have my name.
I don’t really plan on getting married and having kids at this point, but hypothetically, I would want to both keep my name and pass it down to my children. If I’m going to go through pregnancy and labor, then the product of said pregnancy and labor is going to have my name. Hypothetical Husband can hop on board or…
Good grief Ilana is so damned good looking.
But what kind of homicides? By who? What were the circumstances? Were the perpetrators arrested, convicted? This all makes a difference and indicates why conflating violence against men and women is pointless. It’s like people in forums about police violence against blacks pointing out that there is more…
Hi- I feel compelled to reply because I totally understand what you are saying and I have felt like this from day 1.
That’s the common argument, but the same can be said (and IS being said by many feminists) about the lived experiences of being a woman.
Me too! And so far no one’s gotten nasty and dismissive and instead it’s been a pretty respectful and intriguing exchange of views.
But then the question would be is the only legitimate transgender person one whose brain structure correlates to their chosen gender/sex? Would they somehow be illegitimate if it turns out they didn’t have the brain structure of the gender they identify with?
See, this is where it gets complicated. Firstly, it is not accepted at all that there are female brains and male brains. In fact, saying there are is a taboo that has gotten male professors in very deep water. But moreover, even if there were, we’d then be talking about a person’s sex, and not their gender. And they…
Binary trans people usually take hormones as part of their transition, whereas she can’t take black people hormones because black people hormones don’t exist. And the reason why black people hormones don’t exist is because the biology of race and the biology of sex/gender have nothing to do with each other.
Honestly, I think we should be very skeptical of ourselves when we think something just feels like it’s true, then attempt to back it up with arguments. We’re starting from a conclusion and then attempting to justify it, which is you know... what bigots and such do all the time.
“but the key here is that she can never, ever know what its like to be a black woman in this country”
Thank god. Of all the ridiculous nonsense she did, the hair was one of the most offensive in my opinion. It’s the ultimate symbol of white privilege to be able to afford a salon experience that not only gives you the “ideal” black woman’s natural hair, but the most ideal of said “ideal” hair style. Like a perfectly…
“There are some people on my Facebook that like to equate transgendered with transracial. No. Just nope”
I ask this question in good faith: why nope?