
Brad certainly has a type. She looks more than a little like a young Angelina. 

Those who whine about erasing history really should stop and think for a moment about who wrote that history. 

Racism is the family business. 

He has a wife - and that’s what wives are for.  

Raise your hand if you think he’s EVER shopped at Pottery Barn? 

The only people surprised by this are men. 

Mother must be happy to get a break. 

Next maybe he can admit that in addition to being an asshole, he was really, really bad at his job.

Oh, shit, you’re right! All these plastic enhanced brunettes look the same to me. 

We know what Bethany Frankel’s real job is - Don Jr.’s paid companion. 

I would like to whack Jared repeatedly with my cane. The cane that used to be a cattle prod on a Vermont oxen farm.

I am a person with a walking disability who has very specific footwear needs. The thin layer of protection you describe would be inadequate, and possibly dangerous for me on slippery floors. You aren’t ever going to invite me over, but in the unlikely event that someone like me stops by, perhaps they could wipe down

Our first woman president will be a Republican. Possibly Nikki Haley. And they will brag about it for all eternity. 

Gotta love it. We’ll elect elderly men with dementia to be president, but not a woman. 

Jane looks fabulous! I stopped dyeing my hair about 10 years ago (early 50's) and I have no regrets. I get compliments from strangers. If you’re lucky you reach a point where you just don’t give a shit about what women are supposed to look like, and stop spending all that angsty time you spent on hair and makeup and st

We call NASCAR drivers athletes, too. 

The misogyny of the cult is obvious to everyone but them. 

The economy isn’t booming though - not for a lot of young people, who are stuck with student loans and exorbitant rents. Harleys are outrageously expensive, and have a long way to go to overcome the stigma of being the favored bike of old gomers wearing vests with patches sewn all over them. I don’t know anyone young

Here’s a link to one piece about Cantwell. I haven’t been doing much blogging in the last year, so most of the FSP stuff is from 5-6 years ago.

He’s always been in trouble. Before he ever became a white supremacist he had a history of DWI. After becoming a libertarian, members of the Free State Project in NH talked him into moving there, in 2012. They’re a group of armed miscreants, moving to NH to take over and dismantle the state government, then threaten