
Or the years he spent lying about his late wife being killed by a drunk driver. Or Anita Hill. Or his fucking eulogy for Strom Thurmond. 

Reagan served 2 terms. 

Aim higher. 

If you look at photos of young Ivanka, she did have the mouth/chin. She had a ton of plastic surgery to fix it all. 

He didn’t just complain. He complained to Dave Karpf’s boss. He’s a petty little tattletale. 

Tiffany’s the one who wouldn’t pass the Epstein test. 

His island wasn’t searched until days after he died. There was ample time to get rid of evidence. And who is to say that the FBI didn’t destroy evidence? Epstein’s network involved the wealthy and powerful from all over the world. This will be sanitized for their protection. 

I live in NH, and recently attended a house party where Elizabeth Warren was the speaker. As someone who has lived in this state for 35 years, I’ve heard a lot of presidential candidates on the stump. Elizabeth Warren is an excellent speaker, and (judging by the selfie line) she was plenty charismatic. She has a great

Trump wouldn’t have the ovaries to say that to her face. All of his bullying is done over Twitter or in the press. Face to face - he’d never dare. And if he did, she’d calmly reduce him to a quivering pile of shit. 

Will the trade war with China affect Tami’s garments? If they were made in the USA, that would be plastered all over everything. 

You wrote:

The clothes for girls are horrid. Daddy’s little princess, and so on. I found a goth baby clothes website when my granddaughter was born. 

It’s nice of you to tell me what I should be mad about. I believe in some circles we might call that boymansplaining. 

A phrase that drives me crazy is referring to a baby as “my little man.” It’s not a man. It’s a fucking baby. And maybe, if you do a good job parenting, he won’t turn out to be the kind of men we all deal with every day. 

He’s telling us his family history. Without rape or incest, there would be no Steve King. 

I think we’re there. 

At least Gillibrand isn’t eating vanilla ice cream, though she may as well be. ANY politician who eats a corn dog near a camera is nuts. I’m kinda sad that you didn’t include a photo of John Delaney enjoying the giant slide. Whee!

Kid Rock is neither. 

Oh, that’s not all he groomed her for. Why do you think she’s the favorite?