It’s depressing. It’s also fairly typical of libertarian leaning types.
It’s depressing. It’s also fairly typical of libertarian leaning types.
White guy with bb gun shoots in the direction of officers. They did not shoot back. In fact, they apprehended him and two other guys without shooting anyone.
As a matter of fact, they were. Who wrote the laws? Poor folks?
How handy to believe in a system where influence and money can create laws to protect them from anyone exposing your unethical behavior.
I was responding to Mekki, who referred to Goodman as a protestor who tore down the fence. She is a journalist, and did not tear down a fence. She was following a story. That is what journalists used to do. In the olden days we had something called “investigative journalism” where people did stuff just like this.…
Thanks for investigating.
Can you give us some examples of the treaties you’re referring to?
Horse hockey. The story of private mercenaries commanding their dogs to bite protestors would NOT be out there if Amy Goodman hadn’t been.
I worked in restaurants for 20 years.
Women leave their diaphragms on the edge of the sink in restaurants all the time.
Elvis Costello’s song “Tramp the Dirt Down” is about Margaret Thatcher, but the sentiment applies here.
Thanks! It stopped mattering a long time ago.
My mother was fine with my name - it was me that she regretted having.
What is next for Dr. Drew? Faith healing on TBN?
Never send an unsolicited dick pic.
How do you define “far left?”
So all anti-vaxxers are lefties? The ones I know are all right wingnuts.
Al is a damaged veteran who loves the limelight. Some of his greatest hits can be found here:…
What kind of a movie would THAT have made? Silly people.
Let’s not get all misty about Susan Collins. She voted against equal pay. She has a B+ rating from the NRA. She’s not as terrible as some Republicans, but she’s still pretty terrible.