
In other words, you got nothing. You can’t point to a single quote. Your inability to properly comprehend what you read is the issue. Like so many members of the cult of Clinton, EVERYTHING is sexism.

At least it’s an Andy Warhol banana.

I’m not pretending sexism doesn’t exist, you silly twerp. I’m also not a man. I am, however, old enough to remember the Clinton presidency, which I suspect you are not.

Who hasn’t wanted an embroidered vest to wear over a swimsuit?

Thank you for illustrating my point. A criticism of Hillary leads to braying about sexism. It is a real thing. But you, dear, can go straight to hell for using cries of sexism as a counterpoint to avoiding real issues.

I’m not pretending sexism doesn’t exist. I am saying that Clinton supporters use it as an excuse every time someone dares criticize Hillary. I’m saying that Clinton herself has used the sexism complaint too many times.

I’m not the one who is playing pretend, here. Every criticism of Clinton is met with cries of “sexism!” It’s tedious. Hillary always tells us how brave and thick skinned she is. She can’t simultaneously be thick skinned and play victim. The two aren’t mutually compatible.

So even though she was billed as co-president, she’s not responsible for her actions at the time, because that’s sexist. That’s some kinda logic you got going on there.

That’s a nice fairy tale - but it ignores reality. People are fed up with the status quo. Clinton is the poster child for business as usual and the one percent.

You are clearly too young to remember how the Clintons were packaged. Two presidents for the price of one. It’s “sexist” to hold her accountable for her role in that job? To the Clintonista Cult every criticism of Hillary is “sexist.” That is going to backfire - sooner than later. It’s been overplayed. She’s setting

Yes, I’m quite familiar with poor Hillary the sexist victim. It’s a become more than a tad overused.

And to absolve him of responsibility is slobbering sycophancy.

Bill Clinton gave us the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 - the reason so many black men are in prison. For those of you who are too young to remember, the Clintons were sold as a package deal, “two presidents for the price of one.” They had and still have, a gift for convincing people in minority

The Bland Brothers sing vanilla country.

Always listen to mom. :)

Hope your mom makes you a sandwich and brings it down to the cellar for you.

I’m working on being hard to ignore.

Because that is what we do. I’m 50 years away from being Flossie’s age, but once you hit 60, people treat you like you’re something of an annoyance. Add a disability and you’re invisible. The older you get, the more childishly you are treated. And - you’re not supposed to comment disparagingly about it, while you’re

Yet he apologized for using “riff raff” because THAT was insensitive.