
Yeah, because the Bible has served as a great preventative for Josh so far. He’s getting sent away, probably because more shit is about to hit the fan. If it turns out that he was shtupping boys, too - can she leave him then?

Well, Sparky, do some reading up on how the US has contributed to turning many South American countries into shitholes, ruled by despots. Ever heard of the School of the Americas? Ever learn anything at all about the role of the US in El Salvador? While you’re at it, try educating yourself of the role of the CIA in

Saint Paul’s School is an elite prep school. This young lad is being groomed for his future role as a Captain of Industry, and she is being groomed for her role as expendable plunder.

No, actually you can’t say the same thing, because one of these things is not like the other. “Fun Home” features CONSENSUAL sex. That’s when both parties agree to have it and sometimes want it really bad. CONSENSUAL sex is not a crime. RAPE is a crime. See the difference?

I like this better.

Bernie Sanders stories here at Jezebel follow a very predictable trajectory. It’s becoming rather tedious.

If only we could generate this much outrage about the Pentagon budget.

It seems Jared really did have dancing pants.

Let’s hear from Anna Duggar about those happy, Christian, Republican marriages!

“They are still stunned that the cash cow they’ve been milking has run dry.”

My last husband and I talked about this. He (bless him) never even considered the idea that I’d take his name. I’d changed my name for each of my first two husbands, and I wasn’t inclined to do that again. I suggested he take my name - but by the time we got married we were olds, and both of us were published writers

Don’t forget where you are. HRC is the anointed candidate here. Nothing positive is ever reported about Bernie here.

I’m indy media in my state. I also possess a vagina. Senator Sanders was happy to speak with me in a completely non-dismissive way.

So, what’s going to improve the inaccessible Hillary?

I’m fascinated by the fact that Bernie is the only white male candidate being subjected to this endless scrutiny. His accessibility, which should be celebrated, is being used against him.

It IS dull witted trivia, and caving into that kind of idiotic questioning only creates more of it. Of course, given that you’re here, you’re most likely a young person who grew up with mindless trivia being presented as “news,” and the country being turned into a nation of pissy little vigilantes who are infuriated

Here’s the thing, schoolmarm. Instead of being pissed at Bernie for failing to dance to the tune of the idiot media, why aren’t you pissed at the corporate media for not asking important questions? Where are the questions about say...Pentagon accountability? The Pentagon can’t pass an audit and can’t account for

I never voted for Obama, but nice try, troll.

My turn for a sweeping statement: many Hillary supporters are prissy little school marms trying to shush people. It is sad that my language bothers you more than her Wall St donors, or the calculated, sanitized campaign she’s running. Or the fact that a woman who has been in politics for 40 years never bothered to

I should have said assumptions. Your assumption is that I’m a rabid Bernie supporter, hence the “you’re doing your candidate no favors.” You didn’t bother to ask - you just assumed. That was sweeping, but it was a typical ASSUMPTION and not a STATEMENT. I used the wrong word.