
And you get that, how? By vetoing a beer bill she must be racist? As a NH resident, I implore you to fuck the hell off.

Vandalism - and at a historic cathedral no less. Now someone has to clean all that shit up. Fucking celebrities.

Remember the pious, purity ring wearing Miley? She must be breaking Billy Ray’s achey fauxchristian heart.

Hence the choice of photo!

Remember the early Duggars, when they wore dopey matching outfits and none of that whore paint?

The Duggars sure are desperate to keep the money flowing in. They’ve discovered that TV gives them easy money and political access - and if that means throwing a couple of daughters and a pervert son to the wolves - hey, they have a whole stack of other kids to whore out.

I-G-N-O-R-A-N-U-S : someone who is both stupid AND an asshole. See; Huckabee, Mike.

Thank you laurelnev. My leg was very badly injured (crushed/split femur). My ortho tells me it’s going to be about a year recovering. He told me today that in the beginning he never expected me to get this far because it was so damaged. I’m so lucky - I have no pain that can’t be managed with an occasional Advil. So

Thank you Sibiryachka. Thank you for the hope and encouragement.

Thank you laurelnev. I’m doing some of that myself. I am still feeling happy to be here. I almost died. There was a point after the second surgery that I could feel how easy it would be to slip away. It was tempting. Thank you for giving us hope.

MissAndry and Allora - I am so sorry that both of you have gone through this.

I fear I disagree, Tabby. “Bernie Sanders Had Some Wacky Views on Rape” was hardly a title aimed at “valid discussion.”

I see O’Malley isn’t getting the Sanders treatment by Jezebel. He must not be a threat to Hillary.

Yes, yes, yes.

I’m sure we can look forward to reading about Bernie’s wacky ideas on reforming Wall St. any day now.

He’s not rich. In fact, he’s been very poor. This was written over 40 years ago, in the early 70’s. But congratulations - you’re doing exactly what the media wants you to do.

pssssttt - he’s not Saint Hillary.

I’d recommend you readers try reading the whole thing without the benefit of witless media commentary, and I don’t mean just from Bill Kristol and NotsoBreitbart.

Yeah. That guy is a friend of mine. He’s quite obese - hence the spread. He’ll never be on your subway, and he’s one of the truly decent humans on the planet.

I cried at my second wedding, after I did a bunch of coke in the bathroom. I knew I’d made a terrible mistake.