
This is just like the forced incubation terrorists who publish the photos and personal information of doctors who perform abortions and clinic staffers. The personal information published about Dr. George Tiller included a photo of his church. The one where terrorist Scott Roeder killed him.

They wondered if you had the air conditioning on outside.

I hope she remembers to send Ray J a thank you note.

Poor choice, Idina.

Time to buy stock in Alcoa.

He always looks like that.

I'm sure Dr. Tiller feels their pain. Oh ....wait....he can't, because they killed him.

Valdes worked for the Moonie Times and for Christie, so he's no stranger to swimming in the septic. The fauxtrage is a little disingenuous in my jaundiced view.

Kill, kill, kill

Pray the pot away, Roy Moore.

So, Ted Cruz is in my state turning small children into future Democrats! Thanks Ted!

I learned it by watching you.

You want to WIN this, as if some sort of victory were possible in this scenario. Sadly, when all you have is projection (NOO I'm not confident YOU ARE) you got nothing but what you've always had. Name calling and finger pointing. Granted, in whatever fifth grade playground you spend your days, that might be the height


Ah confidence. A place populated the those who are often mistaken, but never in doubt.

If it doesn't make sense to YOU, well, then of course it's a failure. How dare I write anything that doesn't have your limited cognitive abilities in mind!

Oh, I get it! I didn't label my posts SARCASM, so you didn't get it, therefore your reading comprehension failures are my fault! It never occurred to you to ASK me what I meant, if you were confused. You were too busy piling on with name calling and hyperbole.

Your concern is touching, but I'm not embarrassed at all.

Unitarian Universalists exist in Oklahoma, and would happily marry gay couples.

It does need to be something different. Dead.

I think it's that you're pretty bad at reading comprehension. Oh, and intellect.