I take it we're supposed to find this inspiring.
I take it we're supposed to find this inspiring.
I didn't see your post about your mother, so no, it was not a poke at her. I don't find cancer humorous or mockworthy.
The right to try law before the NH legislature is very specific about what will be considered: "Investigational drug, biological product, or device" means a drug, biological product, or device that has successfully completed phase one of a clinical trial, but has not been approved for general use by the FDA and…
Uh, no. This tribe is coming to us from the shallow end of the gene pool.
I don't know offhand what phase her trial is in. I do know this - she has stage 4 breast cancer. It's great that she's in the trial and doing "it the safe way." I wonder how many women are in that trial, and how many women are just dying.
Amen. Because no matter how smart and savvy you are, when it's someone you love dying, it's hard not to respond to some of the hucksters. My husband had multiple myeloma (not a flushable fungus kind of cancer) and the thing that started to get to me were the ads for Cancer Treatment Centers of America. I knew even…
I know a guy whose wife is alive because she's been taking a drug (in a trial) not approved by the FDA. Right-to-try isn't all baking soda bullshit - and I say that as someone who loathes libertarians wholeheartedly.
I always thought that it was ironic that a mean, unfunny, old woman who had so much plastic surgery she looked like an alien life form had a job judging other people's taste in fashion.
Sadly, millions of idiots around the nation will tune in to watch.
And his brother Neal has genital herpes! Another member of the Bush Crime Syndicate. http://www.talkleft.com/story/2004/01/…
If only there were a left. All there is are timid, wincing Democrats.
Kid Rock - 44 years old, going on 14. He's managed to parlay a lack of intellect and talent into quite an empire.
You're making a crucial mistake in thinking that he gives a shit.
You'll feel self conscious in the beginning, as if everyone is looking at your BIG CLOWN LIPS. The only one who is, is you. Start with relatively muted shades and work your way up. I find that lipstick really dries out my lips, so I put on a layer of lip balm underneath my lipstick. It keeps my lips moister, and seems…
Never too late. I didn't start wearing lipstick till I was in my mid-thirties. It felt awkward and weird in the beginning, but it got to be my favorite, and often only makeup.
Phyllis is recovering from the drunken orgy last night, where she and the duo of bald white men were humping like stoats.
Oh, Jessa - better read Timothy 2:12: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Miss J chooses a photo of the dead woman in ugly underwear to illustrate his "fond" remembrances? I'd hate to see the photos he'd pick for someone he didn't like.
I'm not mad at Kanye. He's just another rich guy, using his status to exploit. And hey, creating a line of hideous garments to sell to moneyed people who ooh and aaah at the chance to buy something ripped, ugly, and overpriced - that's just business. I can't criticize taking advantage of people who would buy the…
This fauxpology is all about Guiliana. I'd be impressed if she'd actually addressed WHY what she said was so offensive - and spoken about women of color and hair and racism. Instead she bleated about what a learning experience this was for her. Given that she's a purveyor of cheap, meaningless gossip, expecting her to…