
As a proud member of Menstrual Cup Club, I am obligated to follow the first rule of Menstrual Cup Club, which is you always talk about Menstrual Cup Club.

It is really insensitive and rude to be making this kind of joke in the article about woman who gone through hell, kidnapped, prisoned and then molested for almost a year. And please can we have one just one article about horrible tragedies, raping and killing happening to women without rude sarcastic jokes and gifs

Great. Another way for the police to selectively arrest minorities.

Please do not associate Scott Walker with cunts. He doesn’t deserve such a comparison. Cunts are actually wonderful bits of anatomy: Scott Walker isn’t a wonderful bit of anything.

Kind of appalling to compare anything the Kardashians/Jenners have ever done to intrafamilial molestation. Kylie Jenner getting lip injections =/= a brother fondling his young sisters.

You (or perhaps Jezebel staff as a whole?) are so great at finding the most plastic pics of Kim, it’s a fucking gift.

I love all of these threads about her face. It’s definitely the right thing to criticize, because while she is racist and homophobic, ultimately the most important thing is that she’s a woman, and so we must always criticize her by referencing her appearance.

There’s a pretty big area between ‘I hate this show and will no longer watch’ and ‘everything’s fine.’ Critical analysis should be perfectly fine.

I don’t know... feels like a bit of reaching for me.

I really thing we should be talking about something important. Like Hannibal’s June 4th premeire because it looks amazing.

Making a profit does not necessarily make them a for-profit business. Being a non-profit does not preclude making a profit.

COLLEGE IS NOT A SERVICE. If you think that college is a service and you should have a say in whats being taught because you are paying out the ass? your kids are better off not going.

At this point, I am assuming that anyone who posts, “you know who else shouldn’t be tax exempt? All Churches” is a Scientology troll. Such posts certainly do a bang up job of distracting people from talking about the abuses of Scientology, and they are so consistently supported here.

Also, star this comment if you went to Catholic school and still remember how much fucking time you'd be spending in chapel this week.

Cracking open the soft boiled eggs at the little end all the way! Oh, not that egg war?

How shit does your life have to be to spend this much time at a place you hate, full of people you hate, being an asshole? You're not even good at trolling, you're just pathetic and small. I genuinely feel bad for you, man. World must look pretty awful through your eyes.

All bodies are good bodies!

Old maids: we live longer AND no wedding costs.


Could we possibly select a morning—Mondays maybe—where Dirt Bag is devoted solely to good news about non-crap people? Seeing Chris Brown up top first thing just casts a pall on my whole week.