If US Jezzies knew how vile Clarkson is, they wdn't star this.
If US Jezzies knew how vile Clarkson is, they wdn't star this.
hate to be that asshole, but I unfortunately saw the movie and she was far and away the best/basically only non-boring part of it.
Tom Hanks started on a sitcom then moved over to movies. He starred in Bosom Buddies.
those are in the danish butter cookie tins. that are sometimes actually sewing supplies.
I feel the same way about reading your comment. And that only took me 5 seconds.
"As a palate cleanser for the last two weeks, please enjoy some stories of terrible customers receiving their just rewards."
Jay watching:
Who else is old enough to remember this gem:
While not quite on your A-game trolling-wise, I admire your dedication to commenting on each article. Is it a rapid refresh strategy? Or do you wait until the articles pile up and then comment all at once?
"for the first time since 2011, all 20 acting nominees are white."
Can men be funny?
Colin Jost, a head writer for "Saturday Night Live,"
You can stop now, Midwestern Christians are not an oppressed group.
Do you realise that your death threat against this guy makes you as sick as he is? I hope both he and you seek help
Great food for thought, Diana.
No, you are wrong. That is all. :-P
What's going on?!! I'll tell you what's going on! Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! 40 years of darkness! Earthquakes! Volcanoes! The dead rising from their graves! Human Sacrifice! Dogs and Cats, Living Together! Mass Hysteria!
This little guy exercises right along.
I was SURE that lost cell phone one was going to be the plot of that Broad City where Abbi looses her phone.