
I only wish I could be this hip - so I could pontificate a list of what is not hip to prove to everyone how much hipper I am than everyone else.

Every morning on my commute, I ride my bicycle a few blocks out of my way so I can ride by the broad expanse of glass behind which sit dozens of forlorn looking fools on exercise bikes. Ha ha. What really cracks me up is that they drove to the Gym. It is sooo much nicer out here.

Liberals are simply conservatives who promise equality. They have no intention of shaking up the power structure and are just as afraid of bringing up topics like class and income inequality as conservatives are. You guardians of the status quo have to start opening your eyes and recognizing that your real enemies

Oh, you saw my work. Well, I just said I was a Geek, I didn't claim to be good at Geekin'

If everyone could write code, then Geeks would just be, oh, that is a thought to horrible to complete...

Yeah, that's kind of what we're saying. But it's a guilty pleasure sometimes, you know?

This is why we love Gizmodo. You implant desire for products we don't really need but simply have to possess. There is nothing wrong with my i7 laptop w/ SSD. It is far more than I need and is less than 2 years old. Until this moment, I had no desire for a new computer and laughed at Ultrabooks. But a ruggedized

I'm also a reformed smoker. Come to think of it, the only bad habit I never acquired is gum. So that would explain my smug judgmental ism.

Point taken. Notice please, I don't go so far as to call people who chew gum stupid. To me, and to a lot of other people, it makes the chewer look less intelligent. I wouldn't discriminate against a job applicant, but I might ask the applicant not to partake while representing my company. And the next time I find

Not sure, but something about the endless mastication that creates the discord. And maybe bodily functions are meant to be either private or shared. If you are the only person in the room doing the chewing (or whatever with your digestive system) it might come off as rude to many. Also, anyone who owns or maintains

chewing gum just makes you look bovine (dumb).

"Why were the computers just sitting in a cart?" Schools store up to 60 laptops in movable cart on wheels (COWS) that are plugged en masse. The carts are locked but the ventilation holes allow access to liquid as well as air. For those who are wondering how schools can afford Macs but not teachers, money comes

I will resist the urgent desire to acquire this 37% better processor. I will wait for Daisy Bridge which is only two years away and will be 44% better. When that time comes, maybe I will wait for Bamboo Bridge.

Thanks for pointing that out. If I were into racing downhills, I'd reconsider. For me, riding is about getting out into places most people don't. I'm not racing anymore and get plenty of thrills just negotiating the trails and roads I ride on. My frames are hand built to absorb shock and mechanical devices have no

I appreciate your experience, and the advice of Tarukai. You must know that I have been hearing different versions of those arguments on every group ride or casual meeting since motorcycle parts started getting machined down to bicycle size. A guy rides up to me on the trail, first thing he's going to do is ask me

K.I.S.S. First rule in bicycle design. The beauty of bike is the simplicity. But consider, in 30 years of mountain biking, I have never purchased a fork with moving parts or moved beyond thumb shifters.

The only thing more enlightening than this article today is the rash of justifications in the discussion threads. Far easier to dream up justifications for the manufacturer of our toys than to insist upon responsible behavior. Clearly, those with the disposable income to afford apples lack concern for the effects.

Darn, why didn't I think of that?

I will buy a sliver ultrabook and sit with it at Starbucks and people will see I am capable and progressive and want to be friends with me and they will come up to me and I will no longer be alone.

Yet another article based on the assumption that the writer's tastes are universal truths. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I think the glasses are rather attractive. But who am I to question a self made god?